How do you want it: As a service; a screen saver, or a console application and yes I'm assuming a Windows XP/NT/W2k/W2k3 OS with the following instructions?
Yes, you should be able to ghost a configuration to everyone.
My suggestion is to run as a service. for that you need to DL
Fire Daemon - Free/Lite version will work fine for single processors, and the
Folding@home console version
You need to create a directory to put The F@H program (FAH4Console.exe) seperate from everything else (I use c:\Program files\FAH) and then place it there. Then it run cmd to get a command prompt; type cd "\Program files\FAH\" to get to the directory; type "FAH4Console.exe -configonly" to run the F@H program just to configure it. Then answer the following questions:
User name [Anonomous]? <
Team Number[0]?
10047 - Storage Forums Team number
Ask before sending/receiving work [No]?
Use internet Explorer Settings (No/Yes)?
Yes - Typically yes but It depends on how you connect to the internet.
Change Advanced options (Yes/No)?
Folding at home is now properly configured. Next is to install Fire Daemon. Run the Fire Daemon installer and use all the default selections. That will install it into c:\Program files\fire Daemon. and place a shortcut to it on the desktop. Run the shortcut.
You now need to create a service click on the first button on the left. Creat a Short name and a display name (I use FAH for both). checkmark Console application. Give the working directory of FAH (c:\Program files\FAH). Give the application name (FAH4Console.exe). Give it the correct parameters: -service -local -forceSSE -advmethods. Goto the advanced tab and make the priority = idle. then click install. You may now leave fire Daemon. Everything is now up and running.
However, that is not what you want because you are going to ghost it. You need to stop the service (Run the fire Daemon shortcut). click on the FAH service and go to the menu service->stop. Since the FAH program has now run it has DL'ed a work unit and started working on it. You need to delete that work unit because you don't want to ghost it to all the other machines. You need to goto the c:/Program Files/FAH directory and delete the Work folder/directory.
The system is now Ghostable. Once Ghosted to another machine FAH will automaticly startup running as a service during bootup.
If you install more stuff on the original source machine and want to ghost everything to the destination machines then don't forget to stop the service and delete the c:\Program files\FAH\Work folder so that all the destination machines don't end up trying to fold the same identical WU.
I hope my directions are clear, detailed, and accurate enough that everything works as expected the first time. I can give you further instructions if you are not interested in running FAH as a service.