Stats, stats, stats...
We are currently the 146th team by our daily output. However, since many of the teams we out-produce are so far in front of us (many years before we overtake them), our current production is only good enough to maintain our ranking (our overall ranking by total production is 187th, soon 186th).
A look at our rooster and we don't have that many options to improve our position. Among the top producers by total points, excluding those currently running the client, only Handruin (up to last March) and Ddrueding (last October) have bothered making an effort for the cause. I assume all the others that are no onger running the client have given up for good. So we're left with the members who are already contributing to increase the team production.
Mark did his best month ever last month, but he's now back to his former normal beat. Which is ok ; we can't expect someone to constantly outdo himself. Especially since he's no longer participating in the forum. And even if he did, since there are no immediate threat to his ranking within the team (I'm 1.4 years away to overtake him), he's in no rush to upgrade his folding farm.
I suspect summer and heat are the main reasons behind Fushigi's recent production decrease. Computers produce heat so he must have shut down a few until Falls arrives.
Liam just resumed his contribution (Winter as just arrived down there) and it's a huge help. Can't ask for more.
So that leaves me, possibly Handruin and on a more remote possibility : Ddrueding. I know I might add another i7 to the cause in about a month or so if things go the way I plan (not sure). I have no idea for the other two possible condidates. All in all, we need 3 or 4 additional i7 running the big units to break in the top 100 teams by daily production. One will probably be coming from me. If it's going to happen, someone else has to do something.
I forgot to mention the other three contributing members. I know Pradeep once mentioned he felt peer preasure (now would be a good time). I assume Dan Shearer doesn't have a significant folding farm and I doubt he'll add more punch. Your help is greatly appreciated. I won't push our luck by asking for more. And Tannin has been (an expression he must be getting used to ;-) ) folding on the same computer for years : I doubt it'll change.
Oh and Miksmi used to contribute to the team and I know he still visits from time to time. Him and his friend Gary (unless I'm mistaken). I'll keep my fingers crossed.