Storage? I am Storage!
The purpose of the web, Buck, is not just to communicate, it is to communicate in an open and accessible way. This is why we have strong (and widely supported) rules requiring that content (HTML) and presentation (CSS) are kept conceptually separate and (in common practice) kept apart in different source files. This is why any properly written web document can be easily understood by any person with even very basic training. The web shouldn't just be open, it should be seen to be open, and readily verifiable as such.
Present an untrained person of moderate intelligence with a properly written HTML document, even a complex one, and he can see for himself exactly what it contains, how it is structured, and what it does. He is in a position to decide what to do with that document, decide if it is safe, decide if it presents a threat to his privacy. Present that same person with one of the sadly commonplace convoluted Javascript chunderscapes one sees everywhere these days and he is powerless. Even a skilled computer expert, unless he happens to have specialised skills in that particular language (and few do), cannot decode that document or see what it does without a great deal of effort.
The only, repeat only valid excuse to use Javascript on a web page is when there is no sensible alternative method.
Present an untrained person of moderate intelligence with a properly written HTML document, even a complex one, and he can see for himself exactly what it contains, how it is structured, and what it does. He is in a position to decide what to do with that document, decide if it is safe, decide if it presents a threat to his privacy. Present that same person with one of the sadly commonplace convoluted Javascript chunderscapes one sees everywhere these days and he is powerless. Even a skilled computer expert, unless he happens to have specialised skills in that particular language (and few do), cannot decode that document or see what it does without a great deal of effort.
The only, repeat only valid excuse to use Javascript on a web page is when there is no sensible alternative method.