Samsung is hitting a new all time low: or the Syncmaster SA350LED


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
I usually buy stuff from Costco, so if I don't like it, I can take it back, or, if it goes defective, likewise.

Costco gives me three monitor choices:
A 21.5" LCD for 160 dollars
SA 350 for 200 dollars, 23"
and the 27" for 300 dollars.

The 27" is liveable. However, the new power connector to the back, from a brick, is way to cheap and easy to pull out. The onboard screen controls aren't really fun either. The new, no button keys aren't real easy to use, but, they, and the settings on the 27" are pretty good.

That said, the screen is too big for my desk, and cat. I have to turn it sideways to keep from overlapping the 37" Vizio, so, I moved it to the HTPC, and, decided I would buy another.

I tried the 23", thinking it would work. well, space wise it does.

That said, here's my take on it.

First off, it has the same cheap brick, and plug in connector.

The stand tilts the monitor forward, so, I have to take a binder, to get the screen to be perpendicular to the desk, and, the stand does not adjust angles.
Next: NO DVI OUTPUT. THAT'S RIGHT, NO DVI OUTPUT ON A 1080 MONITOR. IT COMES WITH A HDMI, AND ANALOG OUTPUT. That has to be the stupidest idea ever, and, while HDMI is listed as a feature on the box, nowhere does it list the outputs.

I may have found the perfect setting: That's Dynamic, which enhances screen color etc. and, when not in use, dims the monitor. That's great, because even at the lower, or custom settings the edge lighting makes the damn thing glow, so it is a real annoyance when working on the main screen.

It appears that is THE setting right now.

Now the software and driver install.

The samsung disk only worked in one of my players, and, the driver for the screen would not install.

When I went to Samsungs' website, they didn't have any of the drivers linked to. In fact, they didn't even list any of the LED screens in their wizard, and, the search engine did not show the model at all.

When trying to install the driver from the CD, the installer did not work, at all. Said something like check the CD condition.

Anyway, I was going to take it back. After reading the manual, and trying the dynamic setting, I may keep it for awhile.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Cheap Samsung screens are generally pretty spotty. I usually avoid them.

If you are going for high quality, on the other hand, Samsung make truly wonderful products. But you won't ever see that sort of thing in Costco.

In your price range, look at LG - a company that does a nice job of quality on a budget, I generally find.


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
In your price range, look at LG - a company that does a nice job of quality on a budget, I generally find.

Except if you have a problem and have to deal with their "customer support".


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Why would a monitor have a video output, especially the low end TN :puke-l: kind? I thought the output was to the user's eyes.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
Except if you have a problem and have to deal with their "customer support".

Have to agree with LiamC. I really don't know where you would even send an LG monitor for repair these days - they sent previous service agents out of business. I guess they have stock of 'refurbished' models to offload on anyone who makes a warranty claim.

In this country, LG has one of the most checkered histories of any consumer electronics firm. They have been prosecuted for false claims about air conditioner efficiency, and been caught out cheating on refrigerator efficiency tests - they were court-ordered to reimburse customers.

My anecdotal experience is that sooner or later, most people are unhappy with buying any LG product, whether it be a mobile phone or a washing machine. That's due to a mix of poor design and lousy customer service.

IMO, LG is the brand you buy when you have no alternative, for example, their unlockable high-speed Blu-ray drive. That doesn't change the fact that anecdotally, that drive has below-average reliability.

I'll admit that I've been personally burnt on a number of occasions, now in the past. With any other company, I'd be prepared to take a fresh look. However, as long as the tales of woe from burnt customers continue unabated, I've resolved to make my life better by not buying or recommending any LG products.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
I mostly agree with Greg about the Samsung 23" LED - but it all boils down to Samsung charging way over the odds for a mediocre product because it has the magic word "LED" in its description.

I'm really tired of Samsung inflicting TN crap on us, but that appears to be their business model. I think that selling 27" TN screens is completely indefensible; you couldn't get a consistent picture with your head in a clamp, let alone bobbing around as a human normally does.

Having said that, Samsung reliability and warranty support is a huge advantage. That's an important consideration.

Ignoring that, there are two standout 23" monitors:

Dell Ultrasharp U2311H - bargain basement IPS monitor with DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort for about $300 (they're available in Oz for $225 plus tax)
Samsung F2380 - cPVA, 3000:1 static contrast, entry level graphics monitor. This is the monitor that Samsung uses in their 3-up and 6-up arrays, but it's almost completely unavailable (perhaps because Samsung makes tons more money selling TN sh*t?). For ~$300, it's better than the Dell and a winner (we've had both through here, but only the F2380 is a keeper). Only 2x DVI + VGA ports, I'm afraid.

P.S. Greg: Buy a $5 DVI-HDMI connector for your Samsung; for video, they're just different plugs for the same signals.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
I was connecting the server to one of the HDMI ports on the 37" Vizio, but the darn cable I was using, from monoprice, worked loose often in the video card HDMI port. I can't help but think that with the weight, and length of the HDMI cables, they are leveraged on the ports, and, with any movement, are a design that makes the ports open up, since the cable is like a lever, working on the HDMI port opening.

I like the extra strength and load design of the DVI cables, even if sometimes screwing the damn things in isn't easy.

I'll probably keep the monitor, since with Costco's warranty, I can return it anytime if something fails, as I've done with a 21.5" that developed a green line.

I don't really see any other choices for me in this area, since the other monitors costco offers aren't much better, and are usually worse.

When I wrote my 'review' I was NOT happy. Having a CD that links you to a website for a driver, for a monitor that isn't even listed on the wizard didn't put me in a great mood, after getting up at 5:30 AM, and working till 6PM, with 3 hours driving between up and down commute time...


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
I'm really tired of Samsung inflicting TN crap on us, but that appears to be their business model. I think that selling 27" TN screens is completely indefensible; you couldn't get a consistent picture with your head in a clamp, let alone bobbing around as a human normally does.
But they will offer the SA850 for shortly people who want a high quality 27" monitor. So, you take the bad with the good.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Except if you have a problem and have to deal with their "customer support".

I agree, Liam - LG's customer support is bloody terrible, certainly in Australia. Their warranty service is fine though - if you just have a faulty product and need it fixed/replaced, that works fine. But the moment you need something different, forget it. They are crap at that.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
My system wasn't even consistently recognizing the stupid monitor. Took it back, and decided that when the TV dies, I might need a monitor that I could use all the time, so, I bought a Syncmaster P2770, LCD. It's kind of fast, 1 ms response time, and it has the software I like, and, it has a DVI out.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
There are people with enough money to waste to buy a 25K$ 24" monitor? I just don't see Santilli being a good enough liar, sorry, lawyer, to make that kind of money.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Yeah, I was pulling a DD. :)

One could assume that the monitors are marketed for some sort of professional video use.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
I am almost stupid enough to spend that sort of money on a monitor, but if they think that I am going to sped serious $$$ on a monitor with that stupid space-destroying shape, they can think again. Shallow screens really, really, really, really, really, really, really suck.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
I am almost stupid enough to spend that sort of money on a monitor, but if they think that I am going to sped serious $$$ on a monitor with that stupid space-destroying shape, they can think again. Shallow screens really, really, really, really, really, really, really suck.

You don't really have any choice at this point. A few more years and nearly everyone will have forgotten about the usefulness of a 4:3 screen at all. At least the UI designers are getting a clue and putting the menus on the sides instead of the top.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
^ yep. Not much use to a photographer though. The moment you want to work on a picture in portrait mode (round about half of all pictures sold), you are rooted.

I think I'll go back to oils on canvas. The technology is superior.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Guy at costco reminded me that the TV doesn't have the costco standard return policy, and, if it breaks, I'm SOL.

So, I went with the Syncmaster P2770 27", and while it's not really the right size, if the 37" breaks, I could use it as a primary monitor without much problem.