CougTek said:
Widen the bus to access the L2 Cache
Y. At least doubling it would be nice, but there are certain difficulties associated with that (Umm... Aren't there some associated with
everything in this world?
), at least if AMD want to keep it cheap - AMD's only way of increasing its marketshare in the near future.
N. At least not IMO. At the moment, there are no
readily available (to programmers) ways to put SSE2 to good use. Compilers support is scarce and results are still unsatisfactory, manually coding in Assembly is not something the "general public" enjoys doing very much, especially since it ties you to the specific platform. Moreover - unless you're very good at Assembly coding, and quite savvy in SSE2 usage - your Assembly SSE2-based implementation may easily end up being somewhat slower than non-SSE2 code. Finally, SSE2 optimizations are only applicable to a relatively small number of applications, something that slows down its acceptance even more.
Properly implementing (meaning both correctly, and making it
fast) SSE2 in silicon is not a trivial exercise, certainly costly in both R&D and manufacturing terms, while the expected near-term benefits are slim at best. So, no, I don't think AMD should be in any hurry with SSE2 - let Intel spill its guts trying to achieve industry's acceptance,
then come to pick up the fruits of others labor!
More pipelines for the FPU unit
?. Doubtful. Athlons FPU is more than on par as it is, while FP calculations (again!) are not the predominant type (excluding gaming, science, etc). IMHO FPU is not what's stopping Athlon right now...
<drooling> Y!!! Certainly 512kb would be
very nice, but at the moment - prohibitively expensive. The performance benefits wouldn't justify the cost increase (well, on a 0.13 process they would - for Intel, but remember that AMD
must be competetive price/performace-wise, if they are to remain in business).
It isn't impossible to do. I heard the processor inside the GameCube has several MegaBytes of embedded memory with a 2048bit wide bus
Bad (and wrong) example. Theoretically speaking -
anything's possible. Have a look at some vector processor supercomputers on the market - they have some multi-kb
registers too. So?! Comparing a general-purpose desktop CPU to a highly specialized piece of hardware is plain wrong.
Besides, it's not GameCube you're referring to. And not the CPU, but rather GPU. And not 2048-bit bus. And it's not SRAM you're talking about, although it's on-die.
GameCube sports a rather conservative PPC 750CXe spin-off for the CPU, while ArtX-designed (today : ATI) Flipper GPU sports 3MB of
"1T-SRAM", not real SRAM!!! 2MB of that cache are accessed through 384-bit 166MHz bus, and another 1MB through 512-bit 166MHz bus. BitBoys with their elusive XBA only
theorize about 1024-bit 150MHz+ eDRAMs... Sony's PS2 GPU (again!) has 4MB of eDRAM accessed through 2560-bit connect running at 150MHz , but there are some questions about whether that connect can really be called a general purpose access bus... Now, "1T-SRAM" is actually not SRAM at all - it's DRAM with tricky refresh timings scheme. About the same goes for embedded DRAMs ("eDRAM"s). They're much better than your regular SDRAM, but have a major limitation - clock speed. Athlon's caches are full-speed, while "1T-SRAM" has literally years to go before it'll be able to touch such operational frequencies.
Large SRAM caches (1-4MB) are indeed possible - high-end server CPUs are coming with those on-board for a long while. But the price premium is... well, a killer.
Faster memory bus : DDR II support.
?. I don't think DDRII is here yet. I'm not even sure it's been standartized yet! (haven't been following news lately - got bored). IMHO It'll be at least another year before DDRII will start showing up, and somewhat longer before it'll become mainstream. By now DDR is just becoming mainstream memory type (no, don't tell me you bought a stick a year ago - what counts is how much DDR vs SDR is being manufactured worldwide) - in part thanks to Intel, BTW - and will remain so for a while. DDR333 support seems more realistic, and I'm talking here about a 166MHz DDR FSBs, people, not just the memory. That might do some good, though at first I'd like to see some benchmarks of an OCed AthlonXP sitting on 166MHz. Links anyone?
Intel prepares a dual channel DDR SDRAM chipset, AMD has to answer.
IIRC, nVidia's "wunderkind" Crush is just that - a dual channeld DDR chipset. Which only goes to show, how you can totally twist and make completely useless a basically good idea. So, while yes, generally speaking more memory access B/W is a good thing, it doesn't always make any good,
especially unless your FSB can put it to good use!!!. Don't forget that P4 is sitting in a slightly different bus, with a slightly different throughput capacity. A dual channel DDR chipset for P4 makes sense - it simply makes up for the
pair of fatal mistakes : first, the decision to design a CPU that would rely on high memory access B/W, second, the decision to abandon the memory that could deliver that high access B/W.
IMHO, a dual-channel DDR chipset for Athlon would follow the fate of RDRAM and DDR chipsets for P3 - a waste of good money for negligible increase in performance. Go for 166MHz bus and DDR333, AMD!
Will it be enough without any other significant improvement to compete against Intel's products at this time? I think it won't, but time will tell.
I personally think Intel will give AMD a good run for its money - now that they're down to 0.13u process they'll be ramping up clockspeed like there's no tomorrow. Just going SOI is certainly not enough, although its a welcome change.
Generally speaking (i.e. leaving effective IPC aside) - a
reliable thermal protection for the CPUs would be an
excellent idea. A better physical layout ("heat spreader"?) might be on order too. Those two are persistent problems, especially for novice "enthusiasts". I've had entirely too many burnt-out or chipped off Athlons to take care of for people, all due to wrong HSF installations. IMHO, making the internal thermal diode support a
mandatory thing for mobo makers
ASAP would be a good move.