Howell, in what way has george w. been "vindicated" with regard to Iraq? Last I checked, the entirety of all "Weapons of Mass Destruction" found in Iraq consisted of an artillery shell of nerve gas that pre-dated the Kuwait war. Unless I was unconcious for some period of time in excess of a week, I think I would've heard about anything else since then.
Now, with regard for my intense dislike of republicans, let's take a look at some of the planks in the current party platform (I'll be uninstalling and reinstalling firefox after lunch.)
First off, the
constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
Your species is talking about making a law preventing a specific class of people from ever having a right they currently don't have!
Even worse, the log cabin republicans couldn't even muster support for a unity plank recognizing the contribution of gays and lesbians to society.
Here's some great language:
"Equality of individuals before the law has always been a cornerstone of our party. We therefore oppose discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion, creed, disability, or national origin..."
Anyone see anything missing from that list? I sure do. It's just fine to discriminate against gays!
Put together, those three points strongly suggest a party of homophobes.
Here's a fun one:
"When government funds privately-operated social, welfare, or educational programs, it must not discriminate against faith-based organizations..."
Which is really funny given the difficulties non-Protestant xtian groups have had in getting attention, let alone funding, from the current administration. You can marginalize those groups - who cares if a bunch of Wiccans can't get a grant so they can provide food aid for Hurricane victims, right? That's an extremely inconsitent attitude based on the language being used here.
How about opposition to Stem cell research, something that could be used to save the lives of thousands, perhaps millions of people annually? Of course, that research does continue outside the US, which is good, 'cause
the current administration doesn't have a whole lot of respect for the concept of scientific progress.
The Republican Party anti-choice plank includes language indicating that it will not support pro-choice judicial nominees (i.e. they can agree with those nominees on EVERY OTHER POINT, but still won't back them). This is the very first year that the party has recognized that there is any other point of view on the issue, although historically the "party of the open door" has a history of not even allowing pro-choice delegates to speak at platform meetings. While I'm at it, they also want ANOTHER constitutional amendment extending the "right to life" to the unborn. Now, I'm pretty much anti-baby to begin with, but it stands to reason that something that can't live on its own isn't exactly "alive". But maybe that's just me. Never mind. These guys want to make changes to the sacred document of our government, to inflict their moral code on others, because they can't get enough support from the public or the judiciary of the US to just write a
law banning abortion. Why haven't they gotten the message yet?
Here's another gem:
"We oppose abortion, but our pro-life agenda does not include punitive action against women who have an abortion."
Why did they feel the need to include that sentence? Is there someone out there who thinks there SHOULD be punitive action against women who have an abortion? Shit, I'd have an abortion just to piss that person off.
"No one should be denied a job, promotion, contract, or chance at higher education because of their race or gender. " This is an anti-affirmative action clause. The overwhelmingly white male protestant party leadership isn't interested in giving others a boost. Go figure. Clarence Thomas and Alan Keyes must've said it's OK.
"...we oppose federal licensing of law-abiding gun owners and national gun registration as a violation of the Second Amendment and an invasion of privacy of honest citizens."
This sticks out to me for the very simple reason that I feel that a federal gun license might encourage gun owners to take responsibility for their DEADLY WEAPONS. If they're really law-abiding, what the hell do they have to hide?
The Republican Party plank includes language to abolish the department of Education and to prevent its functions from being undertaken by any other agency. Kind of scary, that, knowing how well
"No Child Left Behind" worked.
"No one should be forced to contribute to a campaign or a candidate, so we will vigorously implement the Supreme Court’s Beck decision to stop the involuntary use of union dues for political purposes. "
Hey, can anyone remember ANY TIME in the last, oh, 50 years when the republican party has done anything that might cause a union to favor or support it? Me neither. Unions in the US are essentially toothless organizations nowadays, and these sorts of rules are the reason why.
"The entire nation has suffered from the administration’s virtual surrender in the war against drugs..."
War on Drugs. Do I really even need to get into this? It's 20 years old. It's cost billions of dollars. It's not working. And which administration surrendered, anyway?
"Meanwhile, under Republican fiscal discipline..."
I just thought this sentence was funny. Lower taxes + increased spending = !fiscal discipline.
The GOP is still talking about Tax Cuts. Which would be great if they'd also curtail spending and maintain important social programs like medicare. Does anyone think that will happen?
There's a funny movement in the Republican party - one that might not be obvious to some of you. There's a certain far-right philosophy that essentially states that it's a great idea to do lots of deficit spending because it will ultimately cause a huge contraction in the New Deal and Great Society social programs that're abhorrent to some people on the right.
"Republicans recognize the importance of having a father and a mother in the home. "
But, again, not two mothers or some other arrangement of loving parents. On the other hand, probably everyone reading this knows one or two families that'd be better off without one or the other parent (like my coworker with the fucking Bush sticker). The welfare of a family isn't something that can have a pre-packaged solution, and it's unrealistic not to recognize that.
I guess I could go on. I don't see anything in that document that I find redeeming, a number of things I find distressing or even sickening, and a large number of things that I feel are sufficient justification for my strong opinion about that group of "people".
If you'd like to read the republican plank (or document of hate, as I call it), you can
click here[/ur].