Something Random


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
1. Run SPYWAREBLASTER in “normal” Mode

2. Run Ad-aware for updates only (in normal mode)

3. Run Spybot for updates only (in normal mode)

4. Go to Safe mode

5. Run Ad-aware

6. Run Spybot
Previously, you always type program names in capital letters. You did it too for the first sentence above, but after that, nope. IMO, it would have been better to either a) continue in capital for the entire document or b) leave Spywareblaster in normal capitalisation in this section.


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
Once upon a midnight dreary,
while I surfed, weak and weary,
over many a strange and spurious site
of 'hot x.x.x. galore'.
While I clicked my fav'rite bookmark,
suddenly there came a warning,
and my heart was filled with mourning,
mourning for my dear amour,
" 'Tis not possible!", I muttered,
"give me back my free hardcore!".....
quoth the server...... 404.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I was not trying to bash your work, Tannin. I was trying to help you to improve it. I missed the line where you wrote that you didn't check for errors.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Steve Reich writes minimalist music. He works mostly with percussion and tape loops of "found" sounds.
I've been listening to this stuff all day. It's hypnotic - just slowly shifting beats from a chorus of different drums.

It's worth a listen IMO.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Mercutio said:
Steve Reich writes minimalist music. He works mostly with percussion and tape loops of "found" sounds.
I've been listening to this stuff all day. It's hypnotic - just slowly shifting beats from a chorus of different drums.

It's worth a listen IMO.

When I try to follow that link (in firefox 1.5.1), it asks me what do I want to do with a ram.php file?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
The chinese place down the street from me is cheaper than cooking. $2.95 - $3.95 for a pint (.5L) of something with meat and fresh veggies? Ready in five minutes?
I have no idea how many calories are in pint of, say, Mongolian Beef or Chicken with Black Bean sauce, but the portion sizes, if I omit the rice, seem to be somewhere between acceptable and satisfying.

I am about 3/4 convinced that if I started eating there every night, I'd lose weight - getting home at 9PM generally leads to a lot of sub-optimal meal choices. A lot of the sauces are sodium-heavy. I think that's the only drawback, as I stay away from the breaded & fried stuff. I can't see how Beef with Brocolli, even in its oyster sauce (IIRC it's mostly soy and garlic, actually), could be worse than downing something like a whole frozen pizza.

Any of the more fitness-oriented folk here care to comment on the idea?

I think I'm down about 40lbs., maybe 50lbs. from where I was a year ago - hard to say, as scales in the US generally top out at 280, and I know I used to weigh rather more than that. Can't figure out why, as neither diet or exercise habits have changed much, but I saw a group of students today that I hadn't seen in quite a while and they ALL said something about it.


Jan 13, 2002
Good for you man! Maybe you're eating less than you think. Are you seeing less stress recently? If it really is that mysterious, go to the doctor. Large amounts of unexplained weight loss may be a sign of something else (not to scare you, just a thought).

Soy Sauce has TONS of sodium, avoid with passion. I believe there is some 900mg per serving, and the serving size isn't big.

A month and a half ago I forced myself to go to the gym regularly. I can happily say I've made a huge effort to go three times a week for an hour (cardio), and have stuck with it. It wasn't any type of resolution, I just made the choice and now I go. If you have one near you, give it a try, you might like it. I procrastinated using one for five years and I finally made the commitment.

When I get home later after the gym (like tonight) I feel the same as you and don't want to bother cooking. I eat the smartones meals (frozen dinners) that you can get at the super market. I might suggest trying something like that. The 3 cheese & macaroni isn't bad, nor is the lasagna. Both are ready to eat in under 5 minutes. I'll eat bread or cottage cheese with it since the portion size can be a bit small for me sometimes. Along with it I drink water almost exclusively. No sense in consuming idle calories when I’m trying to lose weight. For me the only thing I try to gauge is the number of calories I consume. I could care less about the carb crazy people went through (which thankfully seemed to die down). Try keeping a rough estimate of calories you consume in a day for a week or two, then you can see where to balance.

I hope things are going well and the weight loss continues for the right reasons.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Like Handruin wrote, sauce usually have too much minerals. Restaurant food at large tend to be too sodium rich anyway. Cheap frozen meals aren't much better, although those costing 4$ and up are usually better.

Sodium, by the way, is something to avoid. You need some amount to be healty, but a sodium overdose is a great way to meet the reeper.

I don't like cooking either and I'm in the same boat as you guys regarding the time and will I have to spend in the kitchen. Almost all the things I eat are quickly made. I often cook a good steak, pork chops or a boneless chicken breast with frozen vegetables in a pan. 10 minutes and it's ready. It's more expensive than frozen meals or chinese food, but so much better to the taste and for your health. I often take yoghourt for a quick snack, or porage. Frozen fruits are good too (vitamins). Eggs in the pan, with brun bread toasts. Salmon steak is good too. Tuna in cans is a great protein source, although you have to be careful not to eat that too often because tuna contains mercury and eating it too often could result in poisoning (once or twice a week, no more).

Congrats to Handruin. I don't even do 3 hours of cardio per week. Soon, you might be the athlete of the forum. For weight lifting, that's another story...


Jan 13, 2002
My diet is fairly boring. I've grown to liking my plain cheerios in the morning with some 1% milk. If I'm running late, I'll eat a banana. I'll eat a simple turkey sandwich with some water for lunch. For an afternoon snack, it's once again a banana or a nature valley granola bar.

My routine so far is an hour of cardio (walking & jogging) the three times a week and then I do strength training for another 30 minutes two time a week (with 24 hours in between). I seriously doubt I'll be the athlete here some quite some time (if ever). I can't even jog a full mile (yet). However, I do have inspiration from you to be able to whoop my computer's ass when need I'm working on the muscles.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
Try riding a stationary bike. It doesn't burn as many calories as running, but I find it is easier to ride for longer periods of time. Plus, one of the main points of cardio is to raise the heart rate and the bike gets that done quite well. Recumbent bikes are recommended as I have heard that regular bikes can cause prostrate problems (owe).

In 2004, when I was training for OCS and then went to Quantico for a month before I found out that the Marine Corp is crazy; I was running ~6 miles 3-5 times per week in under 40 minutes. I was also able to do ~17 pull-ups and over 100 sit-ups in 2 minutes. I would have problems doing over 10 now.

Fast forward 14 months. Today I tried to run on the treadmill and was able to run for 15 minutes (6 min pace, so 1.5 miles. Afterwards, my legs felt like jello and my knees were starting to hurt.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
CougTek said:
Like Handruin wrote, sauce usually have too much minerals. Restaurant food at large tend to be too sodium rich anyway. Cheap frozen meals aren't much better, although those costing 4$ and up are usually better.

Just about anything that's been prepared for you will be heavily salted. Period. When I look at the things I can prepare quickly - cans of soup, sandwiches made with cheese and deli meat, frozen dinners - I see lots and lots and lots of sodium no matter what.

Frozen dinners have the additional problem of not being a particularly satisfying meal - one "Lean Cuisine" or the like isn't going to cut it. I can easily eat two of them (as, I suspect, could any grown man) in a sitting, but then I have to deal with the fact that I've just eaten "two" portions of something (two portions sized for an anorexic teenage girl), and for that matter, now I've gone through my supply of frozen dinners faster (I have a very small freezer, and have to plan what I keep there very carefully).

Generally, if I cook, it's something in the crock pot. Throw a hunk of meat with some water, pepper and onion powder (I don't normally salt anything myself - my family didn't keep it on the table when I was growing up) and maybe some chopped carrots, potato or green pepper, other spices as appropriate. Put it on "low". Come back 12 or 14 hours later to some nice, tender meat of some kind. Maybe heat up some frozen mixed veggies to go with it. I can put together chili or bean soup much the same way. The advantage is that I can eat off whatever came out of the crock pot for three or four days, which is generally exactly long enough to get sick of whatever it is (that would be the disadvantage).

I find it very hard to cook for one person. I actually do LIKE to cook, and I'm pretty good at it... but cooking for one person is just depressing. Nothing like taking 3 hours to make a lasagne, ten minutes to eat it, and 30 more to clean it up!

Diet-wise: I eat a couple granola bars (not the kind with chocolate chips) or a small bag of trail mix (almonds, cashews, peanuts, raisins, some other little dry, crunchy thing and sometimes mixed with dried fruit or m&ms) sometime in the mid-morning. For lunch I'll almost always grab some kind of fast food during the week (my lunch breaks at my trainer job boil down to "how fast can you go and come back?"). On weekends, it depends where I am and who I'm with, but I probably eat lunch out 28 days out of every month. For dinner... maybe I put something on to cook and maybe I grab chinese take-out, heat up a can of soup or some kind of frozen food. Depends. I never have restaurant food delivered.
When I eat lunch out, I don't get fries or soft drinks. Lunch is my big meal, usually.
I try not to keep snacks or "real" soda in my apartment (I do have caffeine-free diet something around, but the taste is off-putting, so a 24-pack lasts me a couple months; I also have some girl scout cookies but I've had those boxes a couple months and they aren't opened, and I have a big tub of "atomic fireballs" cinnamon hardcandies that I might eat three or four of in a week). I do like fruit juices a lot. I try to limit my consumption to something reasonable - an 8 or 12 oz. glass, maybe, in a day.

I drink two or three quarts of icewater a day. One with lunch, one with my evening meal and usually one I sip on throughout the day if I'm at a desk. This is the only change in diet I can think of - I've gradually replaced soda with just water.
If the class I'm teaching is a later class (sometimes they run until 8:30 or later), I try to push lunch to 3PM or so. I usually end up having some kind of snack anyway - some kind of candy bar or a little bag of chips, probably at around 6PM.

This has been my diet for quite some time. Other than the water, I don't know what's different. It's certainly not like I'm working out.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Bicycle is probably better for cardio, especially for overweighted folks, because it doesn't stress the articulations like jogging. Jogging when your severly overweighted is a knees/ankles-killer.

But if we want to help Merc, I think we should focus more on food rather than exercice. Sure, physical activities help a lot to lose weight, but I think no matter how hard we try to bash it into Mercutio's head, it won't go in. I think that the simple fact that the guy is starting to consider what he's eating, it's already good. But now we have Timwhit talking about running miles and miles non-stop... Poor Merc is probably hidden under his blanket, shitting in his pants at the idea of doing that kind of nazi training.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
The water-drinking habit is excellent. It is proven that drinking a lot of water forces your system to filter more stuff and therefore, to eliminate more organic wastes. The result is often to lose weight. Not drastically, but it is supposed to make a noticeable difference. Maybe that's partly why you've lost more than fourty pounds.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Top 10 Things I could be doing right now instead of making this list:

10. Installing Windows 2000 and Office 97 on a Presario Notebook. It's a Pentium 166 with 48MB RAM. Oooh baby! I'm gonna get right on THAT!
9. Browsing porno at work - there's no one else here and there are still a few sites I haven't been to yet.
8. Answering the phone that's ringing
7. ... and, while I'm at it, checking my voice mail box here for the first time in a couple years. As if I remember how.
6. Cleaning my office - I wouldn't want to set a precedent, though.
5. Figuring out which of the dozens of unlabeled CD-Rs and DVD-Rs around my desk have something on them and which were just bad burns or something.
4. There's that phone again. I hope whoever it is gives up soon. It's getting annoying.
3. Starting fires
2. Figuring out which of the dozens of old hard disks around my desk have something on them and which ones I should probably throw away or possibly use as construction materials for the privacy barrier I hope to one day construct around my desk.
1. Going home.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
If you go with option #3, several of your other numbers will mysteriously disappear too. No one will care about the phone or voicemail if the building is engulfed in flames.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Usually I only start little fires. I have this really neat wind-proof grill lighter that can shoot flame about a foot and a half if I turn it up all the way. I like to use it on the memos people give me. Like the ones that say "Quit swearing at the students" or "Quit poking the students with a screwdriver".


Jan 13, 2002
I just got back from jogging around my block. I was finally able to get out this weekend to buy a new pair of shoes for running. So I took them for a spin. At present I have very little stamina for running, but my goal was to eventually be able to jog all the way around my small block.

My first attempt tonight I made it about half way before I was having some trouble breathing. Since it's about 16 degrees F outside, it activates my asthma in a short amount of time. Fortunately I expected this so I brought my inhaler. After two shots of it, I settled down a bit and proceeded to try again. I was able to jog all the way around the block non stop one time. For me it was exciting, for the rest of you who are in shape, I'm sure it is lame.

I continued another few times jogging and walking around my block for about 45 minutes of exercise (probably 2 miles total). I'm tired now, but I feel decent. Now I'm off to the gas station to fill up my gas can...we're supposed to get 10-15 inches of snow tonight and I need gas for the snow blower.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Thanks Handy. I figured it had to be something of that general nature, but the picture makes it clear. Hard for me to imagine as I sit out in the shade at the back of the house surfing on the laptop (long network cable), wearing shorts and wondering if it has cooled off enough for me to move ver to the last of the evening sunshine yet. (It's ... er ... nearly 7:00PM here.) The idea of a snow blower .... well, today, it just feels weird. (Ask me again in July - there will be a different opinion!)


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
Handruin said:
I just got back from jogging around my block.
You can jog? I'm impressed. For me, jogging is an alternative to drug use (it's getting dark ...)

I continued another few times jogging and walking around my block for about 45 minutes of exercise (probably 2 miles total).
The bad news is that given 45 minutes, I can walk at least 2.5 miles. :eek: And I have short legs. :)

J/K, it's a good effort Doug - make sure you do it every day. ;)


Jan 13, 2002
I'm a little slow this morning time, what do you mean it's getting dark (aside from the obvious lack of sunlight)? I'd say jogging is a decent alternative to drug use, but I'd also say that from basket weaving.

It might have been more than 2 miles since I normally jog at 4.5 MPH, I don't know how far one trip around my block is. I also went up a side street that has a steep grade. My guess is 10% grade or higher. I walked up the hill and I was breathing hard.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
A 10% slope is quite steep. If you're not in good shape, I doubt you would have been able to jog that kind of grade. A 5% slope is already taxing. A 10% grade is, well...remember Le Tour de France (cycling competition which Lance Amrstrong won 7 times)? The bad ass slopes they climb are rarely over 9% and they are very steep. do you enjoy that little snowfall? I wonder if JTR1962 has put chains around his bicycle wheels :D


Jan 13, 2002
The slope might not have been 10% then. I don't know how to guage the inclines. How do I calcuate the grade slop ion comparison to an angle? Or, are they one in the same?

There is about 8+ inches of snow already and it's still going strong. Time for me to go clear the driveway.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
CougTek said:
I wonder if JTR1962 has put chains around his bicycle wheels :D
It'll take more than that to get around. Here's my house:


And here's one of my street:


I measured the accumulations at about 20" so far. BTW, I got plenty of good exercise clearing the sidewalks. :mrgrn: