Wotty wot wot.
@Coug, sorry to hear about that, truly a tragic thing to happen.
My great-grandmother and great-uncle always confused me for my dad. Weird, considering my dad was blonde growing up and I have very dark brown hair.
Why do you have a 1 year old roomate?
While we're on the topic of co-workers I came into the office this morning a little earlier than normal (for me) and found my coworker fast asleep at his desk. It's over 1 hour later and he's still sleeping. :rofl:
My folks truly think they are helping me with non-stop remarks about my job, my disinterest in home-ownership and my love life. If it doesn't stop, I'm going to have to cut ties with them. Their attitude toward me and my life is just intolerable. I can't say I've been a happy camper lately but if I had to point a finger as to why, it comes down to every single interaction I have with my family being along those lines.
So I've had more info on my deceased co-worker today. She died two days after the birth of her second daughter (who is fine BTW). She was home and complained about stomach pain. They went (her and her family) to the hospital and then something (no idea) went wrong and she passed away.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend her funerals because all of her family lives far from here (6 hours car drive), so her service will happen there and it's scheduled for Wednesday. Someone in management (probably) decided to organize a voluntary contribution for a study fund for her newborn daughter. Not sure it's what will help her family the most at this time (help with the chores for her husband, alone with two very young children is in my view what would be the most helpful). The management wrote they'll match the employees' contribution for the study fund.
I will therefore postpone my plans to purchase new computer equipment this summer and I'll probably live quite poorly for the next few weeks, but I'll give all I can for this contribution. It will count as double since my employer will put as much as I will. I hope the amount we'll sum up will be quite large, so her family will see how much she was appreciated. It's more of a symbolic gesture than anything else, at least at this point in time, but if we can show how much we care about her, it might be a little bond that will help her family cope with grief. Just a little.
Sorry the probable many misspelled words in this message. I don't fell like Googling the terms I'm unsure how to write this evening.
Yeah, I resisted the temptation brought about by your post.It's time to break out the dick-drawing sharpies!
My long term houseguest made her with some help from the worst possible choice of reproductive partner in the history of time.
The baby isn't terrible. Not my thing. Mostly I pick her up and take her back to mom, or hand her things that she can't hurt by putting them in her mouth. That's stuff she likes. She walks and takes every opportunity to come and visit me. That is less OK. Especially if I'm sleeping or using the bathroom. None of the doors in my apartment actually latch. I wasn't aware of this until baby got big enough open everything.
I want to know how she paid the rent while preggers. I would presume the gentleman's club where she works doesn't have 8 month pregnant women dancing.
I suspect these sorts of antics are a lot more amusing if you made the baby.
Coug, I am also sorry to hear about your co-worker's situation. I hope her partner can bear the burden that has been set before them.
The last time I saw my mother's mother alive, she was so deep in dementia that she thought I was my grandfather. And it was their wedding night. It's even grosser than it sounds.
I've not been around much lately 'cause of life stuff. Less desk time than normal of late and home time is complicated because I have a one year old roommate who thinks electronics are exceptionally edible, a problem I've largely addressed by staying away from home as much as I can.
My cousin is getting married this weekend. Same age as me, same pretty-much-zero luck with women. He's even bigger than I ever was, too. But he met somebody and he's marrying her, basically as the first chance he's getting. I mention this both because it has caused a lot of introspection for me but also because it's been an even greater shift in the ongoing attack on my life choices from my parents. I have to get through his wedding without murdering anyone. My folks truly think they are helping me with non-stop remarks about my job, my disinterest in home-ownership and my love life. If it doesn't stop, I'm going to have to cut ties with them. Their attitude toward me and my life is just intolerable. I can't say I've been a happy camper lately but if I had to point a finger as to why, it comes down to every single interaction I have with my family being along those lines.
My long term houseguest made her with some help from the worst possible choice of reproductive partner in the history of time.
The baby isn't terrible. Not my thing. Mostly I pick her up and take her back to mom, or hand her things that she can't hurt by putting them in her mouth. That's stuff she likes. She walks and takes every opportunity to come and visit me. That is less OK. Especially if I'm sleeping or using the bathroom. None of the doors in my apartment actually latch. I wasn't aware of this until baby got big enough open everything.
Don't put your "emergency" contact in your auto-reply as someone who can't help.What if you go on vacation somewhere with no data service? 10 days isn't really that long to be away.
I think the way it often worked 30 years ago, or even today in places like Europe, is that the business informs its customers in advance it'll be shut down for x weeks while essential staff are on vacation, or at least that certain functions will be unavailable during that time. Here in the US we've had an awful, unhealthy trend of trying to keep every aspect of businesses going 365/24/7, even when there are some jobs which can only be done by one or two people. People need downtime. And not one lousy week a year when the company feels it can spare you. 4 to 6 weeks a year is good, 8 to 10 is even better. It turns out studies show people who are well-rested have much higher productivity, meaning the business doesn't suffer.I realize when you're on vacation you'd like to totally check out, but since I've been in the professional work force I've never seen anyone actually try it. Maybe it worked like that 30 years ago or when you work with a big corporation with 20+ people doing the same job you are. However, every boss or sales person I've been teamed with would at least skim their e-mails every day or every other day even when they're on vacation to make sure there weren't fires burning. That and the organizations were at least a little larger so there were other people in the appropriate discipline who could be listed as their "emergency" contact.
Unfortunately my mom is going through the early stages of this and it's been taking its toll on me physically and mentally. My siblings aren't really able to help much but they still expect 1/3 of everything when mom goes. Not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep working, either. Pretty depressing because this is the first time in my life I've made decent money and I may well eventually have to give it up on account of my mother.The last time I saw my mother's mother alive, she was so deep in dementia that she thought I was my grandfather. And it was their wedding night. It's even grosser than it sounds.
Story of my life, both the near zero luck with the opposite sex and the family members who give their unsolicited advice. In my case it always was (in no particular order) about my usually not so stellar income, lack of partners, disinterest in getting a car or driver's license, and sometimes why I never got my own place. At least the first one is no longer a topic of conversation. I got tired of explaining the rest. I must have said a car and driver's license are pretty much useless to a city person who has little desire to go outside the city hundreds of times. They're also a headache and a major expense.My cousin is getting married this weekend. Same age as me, same pretty-much-zero luck with women. He's even bigger than I ever was, too. But he met somebody and he's marrying her, basically as the first chance he's getting. I mention this both because it has caused a lot of introspection for me but also because it's been an even greater shift in the ongoing attack on my life choices from my parents. I have to get through his wedding without murdering anyone. My folks truly think they are helping me with non-stop remarks about my job, my disinterest in home-ownership and my love life. If it doesn't stop, I'm going to have to cut ties with them. Their attitude toward me and my life is just intolerable. I can't say I've been a happy camper lately but if I had to point a finger as to why, it comes down to every single interaction I have with my family being along those lines.
If the baby has learned to walk, then it is a tad late to become a roll model. A walk model is more appropriate.Even if the baby isn't your thing you're in a good position to be a positive roll model...
Today, I've received an e-mail asking us (the IT team I supervise) that it was paramount that find the PST file (e-mails) that a former employee, gone for at least 6 months, has saved "on the network". "The network" has a few millions files, more than 30 servers, 5 offices on separated locations and 10 companies. All the managers are supposed to know where to save the important data relative to their ongoing projects (volumes that are backuped daily) and they have the responsability to inform their employees where to put the important stuff too. But in that case, I'm asked to find a particular file"on the network".My quasi boss has been pushing my buttons for the past few days, or maybe better said that he's set up a situation where others are pushing my buttons. Right now there are only two of us working here in the office targeting a specific market segment within North America. He's in sales. I'm the FAE. He's on vacation for about 10 days and has apparently totally checked out. We're about halfway through it. He sets up an auto reply telling people to call me if they need something urgently. Of course, I'm not in the loop on everything. I'm not copied on all the e-mails. I don't know the ins and outs of the sales side. So of course customers have what they consider emergencies and I'm stuck trying to handle them with no help from him. I've basically left him alone and haven't been calling or anything. I've sent him one or two texts and I'm lucky if I can get a cryptic few word reply.
My quasi boss has been pushing my buttons for the past few days, or maybe better said that he's set up a situation where others are pushing my buttons. Right now there are only two of us working here in the office targeting a specific market segment within North America. He's in sales. I'm the FAE. He's on vacation for about 10 days and has apparently totally checked out. We're about halfway through it. He sets up an auto reply telling people to call me if they need something urgently. Of course, I'm not in the loop on everything. I'm not copied on all the e-mails. I don't know the ins and outs of the sales side. So of course customers have what they consider emergencies and I'm stuck trying to handle them with no help from him. I've basically left him alone and haven't been calling or anything. I've sent him one or two texts and I'm lucky if I can get a cryptic few word reply.
I realize when you're on vacation you'd like to totally check out, but since I've been in the professional work force I've never seen anyone actually try it. Maybe it worked like that 30 years ago or when you work with a big corporation with 20+ people doing the same job you are. However, every boss or sales person I've been teamed with would at least skim their e-mails every day or every other day even when they're on vacation to make sure there weren't fires burning. That and the organizations were at least a little larger so there were other people in the appropriate discipline who could be listed as their "emergency" contact.
What if you go on vacation somewhere with no data service? 10 days isn't really that long to be away.
I think the way it often worked 30 years ago, or even today in places like Europe, is that the business informs its customers in advance it'll be shut down for x weeks while essential staff are on vacation, or at least that certain functions will be unavailable during that time. Here in the US we've had an awful, unhealthy trend of trying to keep every aspect of businesses going 365/24/7, even when there are some jobs which can only be done by one or two people. People need downtime. And not one lousy week a year when the company feels it can spare you. 4 to 6 weeks a year is good, 8 to 10 is even better. It turns out studies show people who are well-rested have much higher productivity, meaning the business doesn't suffer.
Your boss should have just informed the customers a few weeks in advance that whatever functions he normally does will be unavailable while he's on vacation. It would then be up to the customers to plan ahead and order whatever they might need to cover "emergencies". As the old saying goes, "don't let your failure to plan ahead become my emergency." It's never the end of the world shutting down parts or all of a business ahead of time if you tell customers in advance. Most of the businesses in China shut down for something like 2 weeks for lunar new year but they make this very clear on their websites.
What if you go on vacation somewhere with no data service? 10 days isn't really that long to be away.
This has never been an option for me. I did it once anyway, and the company literally ended up in bankruptcy before I returned 3 months later. Go team.
Since then the longest I've been out of touch is the 12-hours I spend on a single flight.
That company was mine. I'd negotiated the sale and left. The tech industry collapsed so completely immediately after I left that one of their escape clauses was triggered. Without guidance, the staff (~30) just kept paying themselves until they ran out of money.
Field Application Engineer. There is no one else to refer them to.I'm not sure what is meant by Fae. It's not some fairy or Face***k I suppose, but not a position related to sales or marketing. Certainly a person in a different reporting structure should not be listing you without your agreement. I'd probably reply that the contact was a mistake and refer them to somebody else.![]()
Field Application Engineer. There is no one else to refer them to.
I don't know what that is, but it sounds like a technical position. Anyway it's his loss.
Generally the FAE is the first line of technical support for the customer when they have a problem with the product in its intended application. Hence the application of the product in the field... :rnd:
Not in my case. There are FAEs in lots of specific fields. I've been a FAE for semiconductor companies as well as LCD companies.Is that like Chinese robots building cars?
Absolutely. It's a huge management fail to run with such lean resources.It is management's responsibility to maintain business continuity. If they want you to be able to answer questions then they need to require processes that enable you to look up answers.
I don't know any customers who will accommodate shortcomings in their vendor for critical services. It is the vendor's responsibility to meet SLAs. Unless it is known and understood that the vendor is a small organization who cannot afford offsite facilities on standby, and there is a critical emergency like an earthquake, tsunami, 9/11 type event etc.If they chose not to do that then they would be well served to set customer expectations for delayed answers. Joe's suggestion is also good to inform the customers ahead of time so they can make adjustments.
If the baby has learned to walk, then it is a tad late to become a roll model. A walk model is more appropriate.
My father learned English as his first language and came out with some gems:Those who learned English as a second or third language (this includes my wife) construct some of the best puns and other word play.