Something Random


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
LGA is pretty much local for you jtr. Not even the nonsense of the ride over the East River. Hop on a $40 Spirit flight to someplace new and see whatever's there, even if it's just a burrito and the local treatment for coffee.

Or make the epic California Zephyr run and at least see the Rockies like no one else.

I fly as cheap as I can and just try to go as often as I can. It helps that I have chosen family all over the place, but the joy is seeing something different from home. My partner goes if she can but we have this spider web of connections that starts with a club in Lake Station, Indiana and at this point spreads across the USA.

I fly where it's cheap, where I can get a ride to or from an airport or a friendly place to stay. Probably spending whatever there is of my retirement, but that's the choice I'm making in exchange after decades of an unremarkable life.

There's world out there.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
It's really good that you are socializing and in a better place than years ago. Hopefully pedople like JTR can see the possibilities. I'm not sure about the young GF, but maybe later you will find someone else, get a house and settle down. You are still young enough for that.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
LGA is pretty much local for you jtr. Not even the nonsense of the ride over the East River. Hop on a $40 Spirit flight to someplace new and see whatever's there, even if it's just a burrito and the local treatment for coffee.
It's actually faster to get to Penn Station than LGA. LGA can only be reached by multiple buses from me. Penn station is maybe 35-40 minutes away. Putting aside that I don't fly, airports are always on the outskirts, which presents a problem for me on the destination end. In many cases the only option is rent a car and drive, which isn't an option for a person without a driver's license who can't physically drive anyway. A train is much better for me. City center to city center. In some cases I can walk to my final destination. I like train travel. I pretty much loathe any other mode, especially air.
Or make the epic California Zephyr run and at least see the Rockies like no one else.
That's getting into things I'd consider doing. Also, take my bike along and maybe explore the areas some tens of miles from the stations.
I fly as cheap as I can and just try to go as often as I can. It helps that I have chosen family all over the place, but the joy is seeing something different from home. My partner goes if she can but we have this spider web of connections that starts with a club in Lake Station, Indiana and at this point spreads across the USA.
I don't really have that. I know a handful of relatives in other states but I've never been close to any of them.
I fly where it's cheap, where I can get a ride to or from an airport or a friendly place to stay. Probably spending whatever there is of my retirement, but that's the choice I'm making in exchange after decades of an unremarkable life.

There's world out there.
I went out quite a bit more in my 20s. Not on long trips, but lots of things in the city. I've been semi-retired since I was 55 so there's that at least. I'm doing stuff now, but maybe 10-15 hours a month on average. I need to make up for an unremarkable life myself, but part of that includes having a circle of friends like I did in school and possibly hooking up with someone. I wouldn't even know where to start for any of that.

Not helping matters is that trying to learn to live again after over a decade of being mostly homebound caring for my mother is similar to what convicts go through when getting their freedom back after years in prison. They don't even know what "normal" is any more.
I'm not sure about the young GF, but maybe later you will find someone else, get a house and settle down. You are still young enough for that.
To me his young GF is a plus. I'd want someone in that age range myself. Couldn't care less about settling down, and I already (hopefully) have a house. I'm just looking for someone to enjoy doing stuff with whom I like physically and mentally, for however long it lasts. Nearly anyone around Merc's age, or mine, probably has a string of baggage like prior marriages, kids, many prior relationships, along with higher expectations from anyone they might hook up with. I'm even telling my sister, who never dated after getting divorced, to start looking at people her daughter's age or younger. She doesn't want to remarry anyway. And most of the guys her age look like a decade or two older next to her.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
If you don't make a change, there will be no change. Have you made progress towards your goals in 2024?
I don't have any goals for 2024. I'm still deeply depressed over my mother passing. I also can't make any plans until the house is in my name only. That depends upon my siblings.

I've tried "change" in the past and nothing ever happens. Unfortunately, you can't control how other people will react to you. I shouldn't have to change for other people. I'll just be me and wing it. If something happens, great. If not, I'm no worse off than I am now. I learned to be happy in my own company decades ago. In the end you're born alone and you die alone.

My siblings both said something similar to the way I feel. Basically, we all feel there's really no place in the world for us.


Jan 13, 2002
I don't have any goals for 2024. I'm still deeply depressed over my mother passing. I also can't make any plans until the house is in my name only. That depends upon my siblings.

I've tried "change" in the past and nothing ever happens. Unfortunately, you can't control how other people will react to you. I shouldn't have to change for other people. I'll just be me and wing it. If something happens, great. If not, I'm no worse off than I am now. I learned to be happy in my own company decades ago. In the end you're born alone and you die alone.

My siblings both said something similar to the way I feel. Basically, we all feel there's really no place in the world for us.

There's still time for some goals. It's completely understandable that right now you're still processing the loss of your mother and there's no one but you that will know when enough time has passed where things become easier. It took me many years to work through that depression and I definitely had a moment where I realized I had crossed past an emotional point in my healing. That was when an anniversary had arrived and I actually forgot on that day and being distracted by life/work etc. That was about 7 years after her passing, and even if that situation may never happen for you, you may find something similar one day where you're aware of how you've healed.

You could also make a small goal to reach out and find someone to talk to for your depression. I did this about 6-8 months ago, and even though it's not easy and may take some time to find the right person, it can be very helpful. There's nothing wrong with finding a grief counselor or a social worker to help during these painful times. I think just making a call to someone would be a huge goal and accomplishment if you were to consider it.

Change comes in a lot of forms. I partially agree that you can't control how people will react to you, however I do think it's important to understand and listen to people so that you can adapt. I'm not suggesting changing or compromising core values, but it is possible to do things like not sweat the petty things and roll with the punches a bit more. I've found that lots of small things like this can help improve and build friendships without compromising core values. This is part of the effort involved in maintaining relationships with friends, etc.

I don't personally believe that anyone should have to accept everything, as-is from another person. None of us mesh that well and compromise should come from both sides. Growth is recognizing, accepting, and adapting those differences in a relationship/friendship to improve things going forward vs standing rigid on one's laurels.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
My only goal in 2024 is to ride at least 2,500 miles. I managed to reach that last year also.

I'll always remember the days people or pets important to me passed. Tiger for example died on October 1, 2002. I remember that every year. You don't get over deaths so much as you just learn to live with them. Remember my mother was with me every day of my life for over 61 years, barring three semesters in college. Most marriages don't last that long, although her middle sister was married 73 years when my uncle passed in 2020. It'll be a long journey before I feel normal.

I spent most of my life adapting to other people. Frankly, I'm sick of it, especially when most don't even make a cursory effort to adapt to me. A former friend, with whom I used to do only stuff he liked, and also listened to him talk about himself, told me he didn't even read an email I wrote where I was excited about my new airless bike tires. He actually told me I'm only concerned with things which interest me. Two years ago, I finally cut ties with him. In fact, this is the send off e-mail I wrote him:

This email I've been working on for the last few days should answer all your questions. Wellness check not needed, and frankly I'm more than annoyed that you would even think of asking the NYPD come unannounced to my house. I hope you know people have gotten shot that way. Tell the police all is well, which it is. You can verify that with Phil. If you pursue this any further, I'll be suing you in a court of law. Stay the fuck out of my business!

This email is a culmination of a promise I made to myself and my siblings over the last few months. During our communication blackout I realized how much better my life seemed without you in it. This is exactly the opposite of absence makes the heart grow fonder. I lost weight, started riding more, have less gray hair, and even started getting some hair back. I also stopped the stress eating and junk food. I realized you've been a toxic presence in my life for far too long, but I lacked the courage to end it. That's no longer the case. When my health and mental well-being suffer due to someone, it's time to remove that person from my life. After not having contact with you for several months, I realized you add nothing positive to my life but a lot negative. My health has literally suffered on account of all the aggravation/stress you've given me over the years.

You helped reinforce this decision with your actions recently. After no contact for several months, you only came to me when you needed a favor. Furthermore, you called back less than four hours later about me not getting back to you, and reminded me again twice via email, and twice via phone messages, that I didn't respond. I have no wish to associate with a person who has so little respect for me or my time, or who expects me to jump the minute they ask me for anything, even things which aren't time sensitive, like when you get a carry permit. I'm tired of the constant berating you've given me in the past. I'm tired of your ridiculously excessive demands on my time. I'm tired of all the drama when you don't get your way. I'm tired of your constant complaints about every person who has ever wronged you in your life. I'm tired of visits which remind me of hanging out with old people in Cracker Barrel. I'm tired of you only wanting to talk about stuff you like. I'm tired of you acting like I'm your entertainment committee. I need people in my life who lift me up, not drag me down. I'm no longer going to be your punching bag.

No, it didn't bother me in the least that you didn't contact me for my birthday. In fact, I recall telling my siblings that I hope you don't call me. I wouldn't have picked up anyway. Contrary to what you say, birthdays and other occasions have meaning for me, but that doesn't include always being obligated to have a long call with you just because it's a special occasion. Ever think I prefer to celebrate with the people closest to me, namely my family, and not be taken away from that by your always lengthy phone calls? You smother your supposed friends with your juvenile need for constant contact, and your middle school view of what friendships should be.

In a nutshell, I'm making the agreement to not have contact permanent. Consider this my parting email. I haven't enjoyed your company in a long time. You changed for the worse a few years after I met you. Besides, you're honestly not the type of person I would have chosen in the past to be long-term friends with. This just shows how much I lost touch with my true self over the years. You're not even useful to help me meet girls, which might be a reason to hang out with you, even if I had no others. I wish I did what I'm doing now a decade ago. I would have saved myself a lot of time and aggravation.

Find one of your neighbors to be your safeguard person. It makes more sense anyhow. You didn't really think this through. I couldn't leave my mother alone long enough to run all the way there anyway in the event of your death. Another practical problem with this is how would I even know if you died, except perhaps weeks, or even months, afterwards. I can't in good conscience write a letter convincing the NYPD that you're of good moral character to own a firearm either. Frankly, the thought of you with a gun sends shivers down my spine.

Contrary to what you think, I have no interest in getting a carry permit, so you're not doing me any favors going through the process first. In fact, guns have been mostly your gig, not mine. At best I might eventually buy a rifle or shotgun for home defense and that'll be it. I don't go anywhere so dangerous I'd feel the need to carry a gun. As it stands now, getting a carry permit is WAY too much work for me to be bothered.

You're on your own with the car washing as well. If mom were still in her normal state of mind, I've little doubt she would have withdrawn her offer to let you use the driveway after all the crap you said about me and my siblings.

I have no ill will towards you, and hope the remainder of your life is pleasant. However, I no longer wish to be a part of it. It's been a one-sided relationship for a very long term, and which has also negatively impacted my physical/mental health. There's literally nothing you can offer me at this point that I want or need. I might further suggest that you look for a girlfriend. It'll do you far more good than hanging out with me or other guys, unless of course you're gay. And start exercising. If you had been more into physical activity, I might have at least had a few things I could have enjoyed with you. Sitting on our asses in my workroom, talking about hobbies you're interested in, isn't my idea of fun.

Also consider getting a job, even part-time. It might do you some good to keep busy. You're the one who said you're bored. You've been using the excuse of needing to be on Medicaid for too long. It's holding you back. It's not the end of the world if you're just on Medicare. Mom has been on only Medicare from day one. Same thing for my father when he was alive. It'll be the same for me once I turn 65. Consider if you work, your Social Security will go up, offsetting some of the extra expenses you may incur without Medicaid. Same thing if your employer has health insurance. Their insurance might pay for a Medigap policy for you.

Please don't bother emailing me or calling me in response to this. I won't read any emails or pick up the phone. If you keep calling or emailing, I'll block your address and phone number. As I said, this is my parting shot. I bet you didn't see this coming. I've been planning it for months. As the old Klingon proverb goes, revenge is a dish best served up cold.

Yes, it pained me a bit to have to tell you all this, but in the end my health/well-being has to come first.
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Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Yup, when I lived in Salinas it was Monterey -> SFO before anything else, easily added hundreds before the start. Now a $60 train ride gets me to CPH, and things are easy from there.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I tend to avoid Europe as a transit point. I'm not assigned to travel there anymore, but sometimes go through Amsterdams, Oslo, Frankenfurt, Heathrows, etc. OTOH, you can get from more southern areas to Central and South America more easily. Otherwise it is ATL, MIA, LAX, DFW or something.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I travel to see family, or for work, but I see no point at all in traveling somewhere just to do it. I'd much rather get my money's worth from my rent payment. I'm glad Merc's come around to enjoy it, but I live in a tourist destination -- it holds absolutely no charm whatsoever for me. I've lived here for closing in on four years and I've been to the beach maybe that many times since I've lived here. I just don't care for it, and if I had someone else to do it with it'd just be them dragging me around places I'd rather not go. I'm just a homebody, I think.

Unrelated, but does anyone happen to know if the new nova kernel module for nVidia graphics, the open-source one that they're actually cooperating to develop (hell hath frozen over, truly), will support Maxwell? I have a Quadro K2200 coming for my Core2 box for tinkering with -- the Quadro 2000 I have in there is plenty, performance wise, but I want more than a gig of VRAM and I'd like to have functional Vulkan, plus I couldn't say no to just over a jackson for the card. I believe it's Maxwell, I think it's actually an underclocked GTX750Ti silicon-wise (citation needed) and it'd be cool if I could play with the new drivers on Linux with it rather than fighting with it on my actual main desktop with its 3060.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I travel to see family, or for work, but I see no point at all in traveling somewhere just to do it. I'd much rather get my money's worth from my rent payment. I'm glad Merc's come around to enjoy it, but I live in a tourist destination -- it holds absolutely no charm whatsoever for me. I've lived here for closing in on four years and I've been to the beach maybe that many times since I've lived here. I just don't care for it, and if I had someone else to do it with it'd just be them dragging me around places I'd rather not go. I'm just a homebody, I think.
I'm sort of like that myself but I think having a person to do stuff with would get me out of the house more. I'm not one for "tourist" type stuff, either, but there is a lot of the world to see outside of typical tourist traps.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I travel to see family, or for work, but I see no point at all in traveling somewhere just to do it. I'd much rather get my money's worth from my rent payment. I'm glad Merc's come around to enjoy it, but I live in a tourist destination -- it holds absolutely no charm whatsoever for me. I've lived here for closing in on four years and I've been to the beach maybe that many times since I've lived here. I just don't care for it, and if I had someone else to do it with it'd just be them dragging me around places I'd rather not go. I'm just a homebody, I think.
There is nothing wrong with that. Many people are interested in different things. I was stationed many places in my career, from the snowy mountains in some "European" countries with different names now, to a high rise right on the beach on a tropical island. In the 21st century I generally avoid the popular city tourist locations for personal trips and mostly visit the more uncommon places in various countries. I try to visit one new place every year on average. I've seen only a limited amount of the states, but my passports are usually full before they expire.

Don't wait too long, for example until you are retired. Too many people don't survive that long or are in terrible condition and unable to enjoy it.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
Travel's too expensive to be going somewhere without a purpose, personally. Add to that the fact that I can rarely take more than a few days off work at a time and there you have it. If I go somewhere within the year that's further away than about a hundred miles (my usual work radius), it's going to be to visit one of my parents, probably.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Travel's too expensive to be going somewhere without a purpose, personally. Add to that the fact that I can rarely take more than a few days off work at a time and there you have it.
That's true for many people. That's why they don't travel until they retire. I honestly didn't have enough money to travel until a few years ago. Before then, being self-employed I really couldn't be away for long enough to travel even if I did have the money. Of course, from about 2011 until she died last year I was caring for my mother. Travel was totally out of the question. At best if my brother or sister could mind her for part of a day I could do stuff like maybe see Manhattan during the holidays. The rest of the time all I could do was go to stores locally, or ride my bike. Two hours was about the limits in both cases. Now getting my freedom back I'm still trying to adjust.

NJ Transit is having a fare holiday from August 19 through the 26th. Maybe I'll go to my alma mater (Princeton University) since it'll only cost me the $2.90 subway fare each way. I'll see if my brother or sister might want to join me.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Many people are dealing with familiy issues in earlier years, and only travel after the kids are through or done with undergrad studies.
You went to Princeton?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I travel to see family, or for work, but I see no point at all in traveling somewhere just to do it. I'd much rather get my money's worth from my rent payment. I'm glad Merc's come around to enjoy it, but I live in a tourist destination -- it holds absolutely no charm whatsoever for me.

Ironically, I also live in a tourist destination. Scads and scads of Chicago residents have a beach house on Lake Michigan in either Indiana or Southwest Michigan. My apartment is walking distance to beach access for the national park and "The Region" for all of its superfund sites and rust-belt despair, is often considered the most beautiful place in Indiana.

What finally happened for me was that I made enough close friends that I found myself having to choose where I wanted to be for Thanksgiving, which is the only really important holiday my family has. I had to tell my mother that I have a family of my own and sometimes I want to be with them. If I were married and in a conventional relationship, I'd probably have to split time between families anyway. Now that my folks no longer feel that I should spend all my off time with them, travel has been freeing and much more entertaining than it was when it just meant getting a lecture on everything I've ever done wrong in my entire life twice a year.
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Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Many people are dealing with familiy issues in earlier years, and only travel after the kids are through or done with undergrad studies.
You went to Princeton?
Yes. Class of 1985, same as Michelle Obama actually (who went by Michelle Robinson at the time). No, I never met her. MIT was actually my first choice. I even applied early admission. I got wait-listed and ultimately rejected. At that point it was a choice of Princeton or Yale. Princeton was physically much closer to NYC. I figured if the whole sleep away thing didn't work out for me it would be possible to come home on weekends regularly. I ended up doing that, then had to commute the last 5 semesters when my mother couldn't work any more (carpal tunnel syndrome). I wasn't keen on the dorms anyway, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise.


Storage is cool
Jan 31, 2003
Östersund, Sweden
Just want to remind you that there are plenty of different bike vacation opportunities. In Europe you have Italy, Spain (around Girona for example), Belgium or... most countries really... And I'm sure there are equally nice cycling destinations in the USA.
For me cycling in beautiful surroundings is almost like a kind of meditation.


Jan 13, 2002
Since my mom passed and my dad has now moved far away to Missouri, my holidays tend to be either a Friendsgiving with close friends or I spend time with my sister and brother in law for Thanksgiving. I get along very well with them and it's been great. I look forward to spending it with them. Downside is they alternate Thanksgiving every other year for my brother in laws family in NJ.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
What finally happened for me was that I made enough close friends that I found myself having to choose where I wanted to be for Thanksgiving, which is the only really important holiday my family has. I had to tell my mother that I have a family of my own and sometimes I want to be with them. If I were married and in a conventional relationship, I'd probably have to split time between families anyway. Now that my folks no longer feel that I should spend all my off time with them, travel has been freeing and much more entertaining than it was when it just meant getting a lecture on everything I've ever done wrong in my entire life twice a year.

Thankfully in my case I have a fairly good relationship with most of my family and they usually have the tact to not offer unsolicited advice or admonishment for my old regrets. I usually get roped into thanksgiving and christmas with my aunt and uncle who live down here. Outside of online communities, I don't have much in the way of friends, and even less since I've moved. I don't really go out of my way to make them, and I only sometimes feel their lack. I'm trying to pour my time and energy into my career, for now, and maybe the rest will come some other day. If they don't, that's also fine -- not that I'm explicitly anti-social, but I have a very limited social battery and usually exhaust it for the day doing whatever communication I need to do for work.


Jan 13, 2002
If all you do is focus on your career and don't go out of your way to make friends, they won't enter your life. The older one gets, the more difficult it is in finding meaningful friendships. It doesn't sound like you care about it anyway, so you'll probably go solo for a long time.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
If all you do is focus on your career and don't go out of your way to make friends, they won't enter your life. The older one gets, the more difficult it is in finding meaningful friendships. It doesn't sound like you care about it anyway, so you'll probably go solo for a long time.

Just to amplify: you have to find your people somehow. I tried a bunch of different things. I don't feel comfortable by myself in bars, which immediately eliminates a good 70% of everything adults do aside from work. Some people play in co-ed sports or LARP or karaoke. Whatever. Find a thing that other adults do where you are comfortable and just be part of it. Vintage Arcades? Maker spaces? Quilting group? Furry conventions?

The stories about how people meet and make connections now are all over the place, but it doesn't happen if you're stuck at home. I will also say that dating sites overwhelmingly do not work for (straight) men unless they're either clearly attractive or materially very well off. I put part time job amounts of time into them for YEARS before I figured out how awful the odds really are.

My thing turned out to be tabletop games. I found out that a lot of dancers I know* grew up on Magic the Gathering and Pokemon and were willing to try the other weird games I've collected over time. We started playing simple stuff like Cards Against Humanity at the club and after a while, I had enough nerds around as a steady social group that we started planning movie nights and trips to Chicago or the Ren Faire. I didn't start out trying to make a gaming group but I ended up with one, and my life for the last eight or nine years has come from that.

It's nobody's business what path you're actually on but it completely changed the arc of my life to have some in-real-life full time friends and I hope you find that as well.


Storage is nice, especially if it doesn't rotate
Nov 21, 2002
Travel's too expensive to be going somewhere without a purpose, personally. Add to that the fact that I can rarely take more than a few days off work at a time . . .
Does your job have opportunities for travel to conferences/workshops/etc.?

That can be a good and low-cost way to do some traveling and see something completely different.


Jan 13, 2002
Seems my COVID has rebounded over the past few days and now I've lost my smell and taste. I hate feeling stressed to take a sick day with so much work piling up.


Jan 13, 2002
It's unfortunately a thing with taking paxlovid that there's some published numbers that 21% of people will get a rebound within 2-8 days after feeling better. Seems I'm unlucky in those percentages.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
Does your job have opportunities for travel to conferences/workshops/etc.?

That can be a good and low-cost way to do some traveling and see something completely different.

Not very much outside our area. I have to be available pretty much 24/7/365 in case we get a service call. When we bring on a few more technicians, I might be able to go for some of these things. When I say we're a small outfit, I mean we are small. I'm one of a five man team, three of which are contractors.

If I were interested in travel it'd be a different story, but I really can't be bothered most of the time. It's a good way to spend money I don't have on things I don't need. I have other priorities.

Sorry to hear about that Handy.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Seems my COVID has rebounded over the past few days and now I've lost my smell and taste. I hate feeling stressed to take a sick day with so much work piling up.
I hope you are better by Monday. Do you have staff that can be delegated a bit more work?


Jan 13, 2002
Thank you. I don't have any staff in that sense, I'm considered an individual contributor and I'm temporarily reporting to a new team for about a year to help them with a few projects. I'm unfortunately new to them and still ramping up so there's a lot of onboarding/learning while trying to get stuff done for a couple of hard deadlines soon approaching.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Seems my COVID has rebounded over the past few days and now I've lost my smell and taste. I hate feeling stressed to take a sick day with so much work piling up.
Sorry to hear about this, especially the loss of smell and taste. I hope it's not long term. Sounds like you're an independent contractor, which means nobody to pick up the slack. Just an awful situation to be in.

Getting rest is probably the best thing to do to let your immune system handle it.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
The same company that once left my shoebox-size carton of enterprise SSDs outside an office next door to gas station that does a brisk business in crack pipes* has kind-of delivered a pair of LG ‎32GS95UEs (32" 4k 240Hz OLED gaming monitors) instead of the pair of 32ML600M-Bs (32" FHD 60Hz IPS) that I actually ordered. Even better, they were delivered them to the wrong apartment building and the driver didn't take a proof of delivery photo. I could actually claim that I didn't get any monitors at all.

I would not have anticipated how conflicted I am right now about this.

* if you're ever in a gas station where they have roses encased in a plastic tube, no one is buying those for the flower.**
** No my neighborhood is not that bad but plenty of people are scared just by the ZIP code.
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Jan 13, 2002
Sorry to hear about this, especially the loss of smell and taste. I hope it's not long term. Sounds like you're an independent contractor, which means nobody to pick up the slack. Just an awful situation to be in.

Getting rest is probably the best thing to do to let your immune system handle it.
Appreciate the kind words, I was just feeling a bit down over being sick again for 2 weeks now but it'll pass eventually.

I'm thankfully not a contractor, I'm a full time software engineer, it's just a weird situation of being on loan to a different team for an extended period of time. I was moved to this team because the previous person who was on loan decided to leave to another team. It's just work and it'll always be busy. I almost never take sick time so I feel a lot of guilt even if it's illogical.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I'd just keep it. If they can't ship the correct product it's on them. Also, another thought here is maybe what you ordered wasn't in stock, might not be in stock for quite some time, so they made a substitution of an equal or better product. In this case MUCH better. Just enjoy it without having any guilt.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Why would you not inform the supplier of the error immediately? If you found a $2200 item in the street, would you take it like a common criminal?
I don't know the legal liability of the misrepresented goods, but certainly it's incompatible with GAAP and contracts. It can also appear as a potential corruption or laundering scheme.