Something Random


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
It depends. If it was in a wallet with someone's name, no. I'd call them and have them pick it up. If it was just bills floating around, probably, but I'd keep an eye out for any news of someone losing a large amount of cash. If I heard anything, again, I'd return it. Last thing I'd want to do is keep money that maybe some poor old lady needed to buy food.

If I found a suitcase of money while I'm out one night walking or riding my bike, it's mine. No legit person walks around with suitcases full of money. It was probably meant for a drug dealer, so I'd be doing society a service by keeping it. The drug dealer will be poorer, and he/she would probably off whoever was supposed to make the payment. BTW, back in the 1990s, when crime was at its high, some of my neighbors were actually robbing drug dealers. Keep their money, throw their "product" down the sewer. Win-win. When the dealers came up short with no money or product, their boss likely offed them. And hopefully fewer people got addicted. It's not like these people were going to go to the police to report they were robbed. No, I never participated in any of that. I just heard about it.

As for Merc, he could play wait and see. If they contact him about their mistake, then send the monitors back. This also may have been a simple product substitution by a clueless employee who didn't realize monitors of a given size aren't equivalent. Legally when you get unsolicited merchandise in the mail you're allowed to keep it. I just wouldn't push the issue here by claiming I didn't get any monitors at all, which by the sound of it looks like something Merc could possibly get away with.

I've already gotten substitutions for stuff that wasn't in stock, but I never lucked out like this. At best it was stuff of slightly higher value.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I am genuinely conflicted. If it were a wallet or purse or valuable item that clearly belongs to an individual, no question that I'd turn it in (I have in fact gone out of my way to return working phones I've found) but in this case: 1. These items weren't delivered properly to me in the first place 2. in what most people assume is a very high crime area 3. the driver didn't do the photographic proof of delivery 4. my invoice says I got the vastly cheaper items 5. from a company that's pretty well known as being a cesspool for evil and poor treatment of employees. 6. I can't make up for any harm that comes to the employees involved in the mistaken shipment or the delivery. The driver had no idea that they delivered the wrong item and clearly can't tell my apartment building from the one on the other side of a large parking lot. The warehouse worker though? Did somebody make an honest substitution, a mistake while they were filling my order or did a dissatisfied peon willfully hand me two grand worth of product as an FU to their employer? If it's the substitution or somebody's workplace rebellion, I'm actively refusing the gift that I've been given. And I think I'm in the clear in a legal sense: The boxes have my name on them.

Yes, I know that these monitors should go back, but on the other hand this makes almost zero difference in the net operations of a multibillion dollar company and it's the vanishingly rare chance to get one over on a company that inconveniences me and more or less everyone I know probably at least once or twice a month.

Maybe this is a better question for the moral philosophers of reddit or something?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Yes, I know that these monitors should go back, but on the other hand this makes almost zero difference in the net operations of a multibillion dollar company and it's the vanishingly rare chance to get one over on a company that inconveniences me and more or less everyone I know probably at least once or twice a month.

Maybe this is a better question for the moral philosophers of reddit or something?
I'd think of it as compensation for all the years of inconvenience they put you through. Also, this is like when someone puts up hacks to get around M$'s extortion schemes. Can't feel sorry for a multibillion dollar company who has screwed over their paying customers for decades, along with buying legislators to make laws which benefit them. As soon as MS no longer supports an operating system or other product, that product should be free to download and use. They're not the only ones. I recently heard about Nintendo trying to have sites which make the ROMs from their 1980s era video games available taken down. Seriously, they haven't sold these games in decades. It's not like this is hurting them at all. At some point software, music, and other copyrighted stuff should pass into public domain. We can thank Disney for a lot of this pushing to extend copyrights from a reasonable 14 years to at least 95 years.

About 15 years ago my student loan passed to a different servicer. Prior to that I had been making payments for over 20 years. The payments were just enough to cover interest, but it was all I could afford. The prior servicer applied 100% of my payments to the loan. When the servicer was changed, suddenly I saw about $2,500 added to the balance, and a portion of every payment was "collection fees". They also raised my monthly payment twice, to four times what I was paying before. At the end of nearly two years of these increased payments my balance was more than when the new servicer got the loan. Prior to that, it remained more or less the same. I eventually missed payments and the loan went into default. 2012 was the last time they got a dime from me. I reasoned you want to be greedy, now you're getting nothing. Anyway, my point is any opportunity you have to get one over on people who have taken advantage of you shouldn't be missed. BTW, the aforementioned loan got out of default thanks to Biden's "fresh start" program, and I've been on income-based repayments, which comes to $0 based on my income. Being that I had over 20 years of payments, the loan was supposed to be forgiven but the GOP screwed that up. It probably will be ultimately. There is a new set of things this administration is rolling out, and I qualify for all of them.
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Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I wouldn't rock the boat and cause an investigation into what exactly was delivered by saying I didn't get them at all, but I'm also not about to inform them of a screwup they made in my favor. That's their job, if they didn't do it, that's on them.

If it were something I was taking possession of for a customer, even, I'd say something, but I'm not about to stick my neck out for a multi-billion dollar company of any stripe.


Jan 13, 2002
Was that what they were going on about? I just saw the wall of text and clicked the spam delete button.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Newegg gave me a $10 gift card for hitting the back button while I was on its checkout screen today.

I had a shopping cart with a dozen Chromebooks, because neither Walmart nor Amazon can deliver the model I was going to buy before the end of the week. Newegg is the same price and they're promising delivery by Thursday. I hit the back button because I thought I'd chosen the wrong delivery address and it popped up and offer me money to finish my checkout.

So hey, free money.