Suxx, 1st time in probabaly a year or two I got a kernal panick why surfin the net, got the command line interface, saying something about trying to connect via ethernet MAC I hit power button to shut it down. Then tried to reboot, no go, wouldn't even start

. Hit reset button which IIRC resets PRAM (date went back to default). I have 3 partitions, with 2 bootable (OSX 10.2 my primary, OSX 10.3 on the other which I rarely use cause it's a little slower and I don't like the file directory tree display in 10.3)...but now I can't select the partion w/10.3 on it to boot from, it shows up as a mounted drive under 10.2 and I can access files (for now at least), but no booting which can be problem since the files are owned under a different username on the 10.3 partition. Uggh, I guess I need to run a file directory repair program before both partitions become corrupted and inaccessable.
Was wondering if SSD's have file directory corruption problems/require repairing, and if it matters what OS you run? Also wonder if repairing such a corrupted file structure would be much faster with a SSD, as with ever increasing capacity of HD's it takes forever to run disk repair programs...literally hours.
But now my system is running about 1/2 speed it was before the crash, which makes my dialup connection almost unbearable...takes 2 full minutes for the reply window here to finish loading/displaying. My system is almost in standstill stay, better get that corrupted file structure repaired soon...gambling?
3 posts for the price of one, therefore. Anyone going to Black Friday sales? No me, too much of a hassle, and I'm not going into the rioting rushes before the sun comes way. Got enough stress in life to play that game.
Seems Oprah is the biggest charity giving celebrity by far (Brad & Angie are #2) with over $300mil given. In the USA 2006 21 rich people donated more than $100mil to charitable or non-profit orgs in that year...surely there are more billionaires than that, IIRC Forbes has 900+ billionaires in the world now.
Forget about auto carbon credits, just take yourself off junkmail catalog mailings and save more, use recycled paper products like tiolet paper and save more

Seems Monaco's Prince Albert is on the homepage of this site, so he's not only a top charity giver, but also renouned playboy with lots of pr0nstar g/f's which should make the already depressed Merc, even more can thank me later Merc
Also according to this site, the USA beats Japan & the Euro community (take that Prof. Wizzer) as the world's largest give of food aid. Not saying that's anything to be particularly proud of, given all the Bush haters, but it is still a fact.