Search results

  1. blakerwry

    Best Hard Drive Configuartion for a Development Workstation?

    Those are some great posts Tannin. Very insightful and well thoughtout. JPS0, I also admire what you're doing. If I had any spare parts that would help you I'd be happy to send them your way, but I'm afraid all I have are leftovers from several generations back.
  2. blakerwry

    Moving sale

    I also found a box of 7 ISA 10baseT NICs and a dozen 8MB SIMMs. Of the NICs, 4 are HP Ethertwist, 2 are 3com 509 (Etherlink III), and 1 is an Intel Pro chipset. The HP and 3com have both RJ-45 and AUI connectors.
  3. blakerwry

    Free Computer Stuff - Just pay postage

    Timwhit, want to setup a trade? I could probably use the AAA-131ca and the DVD-ROM drive
  4. blakerwry

    Least Expensive NAS Devices (?)

    That's over gbit? ouch... No reason you shouldn't be able to hit 20-30MB/sec on cheap gbit equipment. With some of the PCI-E or CSA gbit solutions I would imagine 40-50MB/sec should be possible with single users and newer disks.
  5. blakerwry

    Tiny Power Supply
  6. blakerwry

    advice for secondhand laptops needed

    I would stick with a name brand, being a student on a budget I would suggest Compaq/HP/Dell. All of their laptops seem to be middle of the road with regard to quality and are competitively priced. IBM would likely be out of your price range. For an affordable laptop I would suggest 256-512MB...
  7. blakerwry

    AMD to crap on customers, Q1 06

    I ran my NT4 webserver on a Cyrix 486 66DX2 and had nearly a year of update as I remember faintly... No noticable difference between it and the Intel I had that ran at the same clock.
  8. blakerwry

    IIS / Frontpage extensions can't download EXE?

    This isn't a permissions issue is it?
  9. blakerwry

    New Computer Money just came in

    were you ripping the same DVD, using the same program/settings, and do both NEC drives have the same firmware?
  10. blakerwry

    Companies that don't get it (websites)

    Try the search engine for your local hardware chain... awefull.
  11. blakerwry

    Moving sale

    The pc2100 or the SIMMs?
  12. blakerwry

    Moving sale

    I'd be willing to sell the whole lot for $100 if someone is interested as well.
  13. blakerwry

    Moving sale

    Hey guys, I have some old electronics that I'd be happy to sell before I move. Let me know if you're interested. I can take paypal or checks, all prices are negoticable and shipping will be added on as the actual cost for fedex (or USPS if you prefer). Compaq Armada 7360DMT Laptop (200MHz...
  14. blakerwry

    Segregating Internet and Local Network Traffic

    you could do one of several things... Put a false proxy into the web browser... doesnt actually block internet access, but will stop someone from using the browser (assuming they dont know much) Remove the default gateway in network settings... one step better, does prevent actual internet...
  15. blakerwry

    Alexander James Rickards

    Congrats man.
  16. blakerwry

    How spammers *should* be handled

    While all our systems were fine, as a support center we took a big hit because of the problems with other computers and networks in general that were not designed for the traffic that occured following the outbreak.
  17. blakerwry

    ROLLCALL: Who's Driving / Peddling / Floating / Flying What

    I'm still driving the ScionTC... now up to 4000 miles. I recently sold my old mountain bike (too small to be practical for me anyway) at garage sale. I might think more about riding a bike after I move depending on the space available. We really have some nice...
  18. blakerwry

    Epox 8KHA+ leaky capacitors

    I just had a 1-2 year old eMachines Socket A motherboard die suddenly. I assume the problem is the capacitors, as several along the CPU socket are bulging a wee bit and one has a little fizzle at the cap. Rather than soldering I'm just going to replace the motherbaord with a new one from...
  19. blakerwry

    I always had good luck with my TNT based cards... but they ran pretty hot for the time. The voodooII I had worked well, but visually was terrible as 16bit dithering on 800x600 was ugly as sin compared to the 32bit goodness the TNT II offered at roughly the same framerates. Oh how I longed for...
  20. blakerwry

    How spammers *should* be handled

    That compliments my 404 page well
  21. blakerwry

    How spammers *should* be handled

    In somewhat related news someone (or more than one person it looks like) used a script on my website to spam a bunch of people @aol. I'm still not sure how they did it as the script is hard coded to only accept the body of an e-mail and the to: field is specified in the scipt, not passed from a...
  22. blakerwry

    CDex Oddity

    I'd still suggest forceASPI, IIRC it installs the ASPI layer for both NT and win9x machines. This is important for some applications to work correctly. Any reason to use CDex over something like EAC?
  23. blakerwry

    HARDWARE: Matrox *1-Lane* PCI Express Graphics

    I couldn't find a good and cheap USb keybaord for a PC who had a flakey PS/2 port... solution was to buy an adapter that let my plug the ps/2 keyboard and mouse into a working USB port on the PC.
  24. blakerwry

    90 minutes on hold

    A similar thing happenned to me a few weeks ago. Newegg aparently had my old address on file and I was not prompted to enter my billing address when I entered my credit card number. My order sat for several days until I noticed it wasn't going through. However, in my case I was able to get...
  25. blakerwry

    NEWZ: Samsung's Big Plans For Flash-Based Hard Drives

    IF you would buy that brand for youer camera or PC, chances are you could use it in your USB stick reliably... Lexar, sandisk...
  26. blakerwry

    CDex Oddity

    you might want to install the forceASPI drivers from when adaptec tried to sell their ASPI layer software... I think the ASPI version in them is only 4.6, but it has worked great for me in 2k and XP.
  27. blakerwry

    NEWZ: Microsoft To Enter Enterprise Backup Arena

    you could build a server using 4 x 300gb disks in RAID 5 for about $1000 of redundant disk based storage. I recently built a backup server at work with 200GB of storage space with linux, parts we had lying around, and a $70 hard drive.
  28. blakerwry

    NEWZ: The Emerging Market For Automotive Hard Drives

    Even for audio applications, I think flash would be a much better choice... or DVD since it can be easily replaced at low costs.
  29. blakerwry

    HARDWARE: Matrox *1-Lane* PCI Express Graphics

    i find this more interesting than many of the higher end graphics cards, PCIe x16 is such a pain... if there were more 1x and 8x cards server boards (like those in the rediculously cheap dell low end models) suddenly become much more attractive...
  30. blakerwry

    I need a color laser printer

    I bought a dell (rebranded lexmark) 1700 for < $100 roughly 6 months ago. Sounds better than what was listed in the article and was more expensive compared to the Samsung and Brother models I was also interested in. I don't think lexmark will have any problem competing considering that most of...
  31. blakerwry

    Scheduled burning to DVD...

    lol you two
  32. blakerwry

    Scheduled burning to DVD...

    Glory hog.
  33. blakerwry

    Rollcall: who is running what?

    You guys are making me want to build an AThlon64x2 machine... Just to add to my post, My GeforceFX 5600 is passively cooled using a Zalman cooler and my gf's Radeon9200 is underclocked to ~60-70MHz The 8500DV has an inline resistor to slow the fan down... just like all my other case fans in...
  34. blakerwry

    Need a cheap but reliable motherboard & CPU

    I've had technically 4 Asrock boards, but they have all been of the same family, based on SiS chipsets. The Asrock k78xe R3.0 and k78xe+ models. One went to a friend, one was returned after testing because I was sent the wrong model and decided I couldn't live without the extra features of the...
  35. blakerwry

    Rollcall: who is running what?

    Here's my line up... I'll follow Tannin's lead and go by order of use. Main PC- Antec p160 w/ Fortron 300watt PSU, AthlonXP T-bred @2.0GHz, Asrock K78XE+ motherboard, 768MB PC3200, GeforceFX 5600, 160GB Seagate 72007 + 160GB Samsung P80, NEC3500AG DVD Burner, LG4320B CD-RW/DVD combo drive...
  36. blakerwry

    Need a cheap but reliable motherboard & CPU

    I've had good luck with Asrock motherboards, specifically SiS based units. They are solidly contructed and use decent heatsinks instead of dinky chipset fans. Most of their boards are in the $40-$50 range and are carried at newegg. For a video card a radeon 9200se DVI+VGA would work well for...
  37. blakerwry

    It's 2005, why do things still not do WPA?

    forgot to mention that I did some research on both WEP and WPA practical cracking.... the short of it is not to bother unless you really want into someone's network. in my experience most wep keys are generated from a pass phrase, so it becomes more difficult than guessing the wep key since...
  38. blakerwry

    Stupid Lawsuit

    Did you hear about the congressman from TX who is trying to make it illegal for the city of Philedelphia to setup low cost/affordable internet to areas who currently are not serviced well by private industry... he just so happens to be on the board @ SBC... talk about someone who should be shot...
  39. blakerwry

    It's 2005, why do things still not do WPA?

    I'll be moving in less than a month, so in preparation I upgraded my smoothy to a Green+ Orange + Red setup and am intending on putting my AP on the orange to keep it off my main network. Because of this I also got interested enough in setting up my smoothwall to be a fully fledged VPN server...
  40. blakerwry

    New Computer Money just came in

    I'd have to agree. I'm also pretty impressed with the size and clarity of the screen. For a refurb, the only thing I can find wrong with it is a single dead sub pixel in the 1280x800 15.5" Samsung LCD. That excludes the one weak point in design which is the latching mechanism which secures the...
  41. blakerwry

    New Computer Money just came in

    I just got a refurbished Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop... pentium-M 1.5Ghz, 256MB PC2-3200, 40Gb, chipset based Dx9 graphics, chipset based wireless G, etc, etc... pretty nice for $600+shipping. I'm planning to add a stick of crucial RAM to bump the total to 768MB or maybe a bit over a gig. This...
  42. blakerwry

    NEWZ: Seagate Releases 120GB & 100GB 2½ Inch Notebook Dr

    My 180gxp is cooler than my samsung if I remember correctly
  43. blakerwry

    It's 2005, why do things still not do WPA?

    That sounds wholey unsecure, they didn't even follow the 1st step in security, change the default passwords....
  44. blakerwry

    It's 2005, why do things still not do WPA?

    I dont actively monitor my wireless connection nor have good logs so I wouldn't know if anyone hacked it.... But I have SSID broadcast disabled, MAC filtering, and 128bit WEP... in addition there are 2 fully open access points nearby and 1 WEP enabled, but broadcasts still on. Kind of like a...
  45. blakerwry

    NEWZ: Seagate Releases 120GB & 100GB 2½ Inch Notebook Dr
  46. blakerwry

    How do you remove a Pentium II CPU cooler (delicately)?

    Very likely you are correct about the epoxy then. You can always crack the case and see if there is a way to pry it off.
  47. blakerwry

    How do you remove a Pentium II CPU cooler (delicately)?

    Hm, is this a retail cooler or aftermarket? I remember in our library of parts we had a coolermaster pII cooler that looked like it cliped onto the bottom (socket edge) of the processor somehow.... I cannot remember how the retail coolers with a fan actually attached as most of my pII/pIII...
  48. blakerwry

    How do you remove a Pentium II CPU cooler (delicately)?

    Most pIIs had a metal slide on the back side that acted as a retained to hold the heatsink onto the front side of the processor. Simply slide the retainer over and pull the heat sink off the front carefully. (I have 2 this way infront of me now)
  49. blakerwry

    Going on a bandwidth diet

    Forgot to mention, that I've read claims that using compressed http was actually faster and caused less load on a server than not using it. There are a few specifics involved in when this would be true, but in most cases it is faster and the load difference is negligable one way or the other.
  50. blakerwry

    Going on a bandwidth diet

    Actually, with most linux distributions you can use compressed HTTP via Apache by default. I'm not sure how all that goes since I have never compiled Apache from source, but with most distrobustions you simply enter the line AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html to the specific virtual server...