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  1. blakerwry

    Looking for a home theater setup for <$500

    what lite-on settops?
  2. blakerwry

    What did Santa bring you?

    I wish I could have got a couple scrabble games but I got stuck working on christmas (and the surrounding days). But aparently I have been very good this year as I got the new Antec p160 case, a logitech cordless optical trackball, some nice boots and a very nice coffee maker... along with a...
  3. blakerwry

    Strange 160GB data corruption issue

    I am pretty happy with most of the current onboard sound chips quality. Pefectly good for a pair of "computer" speakers. I would definately use the onboard VIA of a the 8233a SB(kt266 or higher NB) and up over a SoundBlaster 64/128. Remember that with the onboard audio that drivers are...
  4. blakerwry

    Quick!! HELP! Radeon 9000 VIVO and MMC

    yeah, I broke down and got winDVR. Works like a charm and is pretty easy to use and configure. It also complements the version of winDVD that came with the DVD drive. I think ATi is being very picky about what products it wants and doest want to work with thier software. Heaven forbid...
  5. blakerwry

    Quick!! HELP! Radeon 9000 VIVO and MMC

    Terminal server on 2k pro? well, no other programs are running. Only icon in the tray is for the audio. I guess I'll just give up on that and try something else. Confounded ATi still can't get software right. I guess I can also blame Sapphire who didnt even include the MMC on their driver disk...
  6. blakerwry

    Quick!! HELP! Radeon 9000 VIVO and MMC

    Can somebody please quickly help me get the MMC working with this OEM Radeon 9000 VIVO made by Sapphire. I have followed the instructions on ATi's site for installing the MMC and drivers to a tee and cannot get the MMC working with this card. Everytime I try to start the TV/capture app I get a...
  7. blakerwry

    Nero V6.3 Out

    well.... atleast better. but not as zippy as 5
  8. blakerwry

    Nero V6.3 Out

    hmm... I gave 6 another shot and it seems to be fine as long as I dont use the nero smart start feature. However, that was one of the thigns I liked best about 6.
  9. blakerwry

    ''State Of The Art'' CPU Cooling (Circa Dec 2003)

    I wondered how that odd fan design would work. Let us know coug. I'm still sticking with the speeze units... heh, on this new install my CPU is running 4C cooler than it was initially. I guess the paste just had to settle.
  10. blakerwry

    Does anyone remember when ...

    i used it on the duron here... um.. was that 650 or 750MHz? oh well... That's a 3GB Seagate medalist OS drive and 320MB RAM. It ran OK... waiting for stuff to come out of being paged to disk was slow, but after that had stopped the system was pretty usable. I'd say that windows was snappier...
  11. blakerwry

    Papst fans - are they not supposed to be quiet?

    return the server unless you quiet it down??? hmm... Did you tell him that the fans were a protection on his investment and that they were there to protect the innards from overheating? I guess you said it was 3U... which should be able to operate quietly depending on the components used...
  12. blakerwry


    i am using my 2GHz T-bred and the newest client at the moment.. I a couple days I'll be removing a pIII 650 and adding an AThlonXP 1700+ Expect my folding to increase
  13. blakerwry

    About lapping...

    What, you don't use distilled water in a clean room environment and a homogenious mix of thermal paste when preparing your HSF for installation? You're probably right buck, it would make little difference if any.
  14. blakerwry

    About lapping...

    I'ce seen it in a couple places... the reasoning was that the minute metal particles created by the buffing along with the abrasive used in the buffing cream would basically "clog" the metal and were hard if not impossible to remove unless sanded down. So I have just stuck with wet sanding on a...
  15. blakerwry

    About lapping...

    i've seen some tests performed by people like us that sowed with a thicker thermal paste a 600 grit sand was better than 800. With thinner paste, 800 was better. I have read not to use a polish like buffing/polishing cream.
  16. blakerwry


    I went back to acrobat 4.x
  17. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

  18. blakerwry

    Does anyone remember when ...

    it's true that soom hardware can be problematic, even if it is supported you might need a little "kung-fu" to make it work well or at all. It's best to ask around or read reviews/setup guides to find hardware that is supported well vs just supported. I've found that many of the onboard sound...
  19. blakerwry

    Something Random

    oh yes, I picked up some pete's wicked ale yesterday... I dont know what to think of it... I think I need to try another beer is what I think. Got any recomendations?
  20. blakerwry

    Something Random

    I was talking about hot dogs wrapped in dough (like a cresent roll) and baked. There are many variationed, but I've never heard of the one you're talking about mercutio. Although it doesn't sound bad. Actually that remonds me of stuffed peppers (only no cabbage). Rice, corn, hamburger all...
  21. blakerwry

    Nero V6.3 Out

    somehow I doubt that nero 6.x is more accurate than nero 5.x, Alcohol, CD-R win, and cloneCD... and any other burning software I've used (atleast 2-5 more) Nero 6 is just plain slow. Nero 5.5 is zippy. I do, however like the extra features of 6.... but I dont think the price tag is worth it...
  22. blakerwry

    Nero V6.3 Out

    anybody else really dislike nero 6? it puts itself in high priority, which annoys me as it makes ther processes run slowly... it also uses up 80MB RAM just burning an audio CD... seems pretty bloated to me. It has ran reletively poorly on both the 1700+ w/ VIA mobo and the current 2400+ rated...
  23. blakerwry

    Something Random

    I was going to make pigs in a blanket tomorrow night... dont know what to use as a side... baked beans? cole slaw? onion rings? french fries? baked potatoes with chives, cheese, and sour cream? hmm....
  24. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    I'm really happy with this motherboard. I'd buy another one if I had the need for a new motherboard. If someone asked me for a gamers board I'd probably recomend an Nforce2 because the slight memory bandwidth increase and overclocking ability would probably interest them. But for anything else...
  25. blakerwry

    Freak wet-sand the north bridge of his nForce2 mainboard.

    and he still used a fan.... This is the reason they invented thermal paste... so that things dont have to be exactly flat or mate perfectly.
  26. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    it's often cold in my apartment... and that makes my typos increase. atleast it's not as bad as some of the stuff on SR lately
  27. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    Ah yes, installing PC2700 RAM gives me kt333 level memory performance according to Sandra. Perfectly acceptable.
  28. blakerwry

    Does anyone remember when ...

    i like XP. The main thing I liked about it is how much more stable it was on my via motherboard... Now that I'm using a SiS i could give it another whirl, but why? I love the XP power tools, the including scanner software is a bonus since HP cant make decent scanning software for my scanner...
  29. blakerwry

    Splash: What are you using for new systems at work?

    ::sigh:: remember paying $3000 for a 66MHz 486SX system...
  30. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    yeah, that's it. Thanks. BTW, this chipset will run your RAM +/- one speed step away from your processory BUS. IE: 233MHz CPU allows 200, 233, and 333MHz RAM. 333CPU allows 233, 333, and 4000MHz RAM. 200 and 400MHz CPUs are limited by the min/max of the board. (200MHz to a selectable speed up...
  31. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    and their response had less typos than mine....
  32. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    if it's really quiet, yes. ;-) atleast it helps with troubleshooting. I'd also like tos ay I was impressed wiht my experience with their technical support. I asked them a quetion of whether the motherboard supported .8, 1.5, or 3.3v and they answered my question in under 24 hours. It supports...
  33. blakerwry

    wanted CPU/HDD

  34. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

  35. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    The back of the manual describes the BIOS. It's pretty plain. Has options for the FSB, over voltage(on or off), enabling/disabling the audio, LAN or S-ATA, and all the basic stuff neeeded to cofigure a motherboard. The navigation of the BIOS is a bit different than I'm used to, but only takes...
  36. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    hmm.. memory bandwidth seems pretty poor (not as good as the kt266a it replaced). However, I'll have to wait till I get some proper PC2700 or better before I make any decisions on that.
  37. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    Something else that's nice is the included CD is bootable... it boots to "free" DOS and asks you if you would like to create a driver CD for the SiS S-ATA controller. This is pretty nice because many other manufacturers require you have a working OS to get the drivers from the CD to a floppy...
  38. blakerwry

    My pc keeps loosing data. Help!

    did you boot to the recovery console and try a "chkdsk /f" ?
  39. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    One neat thing I wasnt expecting is that this board can see what drives are attached to my promise ultra100 PCI card and will allow me to boot to any one of them. Right now I have my 1200BB on the onboard ATA 133 controller, nothing on the onboard S-ATA, and my OS drive (180GXP) on the promise...
  40. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    Couple nitpicks, there are only two 3-pin fan headers on this board... there is a place to solder another (labelled NB fAM). Even though this motherboard does not require a NB fan (the NB heatsink is cool to the touch) I wish they would have included the connector to make it easier to install 3...
  41. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - Sony unveils new walking and running robot.

    or for athletes looking for an edge...
  42. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    The I/O performance on this motherboard is fantastic. I can write to a floppy while defragging a HDD while benchmarking another HDD (HDtach showed no noticable speed slowdown) while surfing with minimal to no slowdown and <20% CPU usage. ::drops::
  43. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    oh yeah, what's the site that can tell me all kinds of detailed information about my CPU?
  44. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    Oh, I should mention that my NIC performance is up 10-20% over the onboard VIA NIC of the dragon+. The VIA would get 5-6MB/sec, the SiS on this board gets 7MB/sec.
  45. blakerwry

    opininos on Asrock mobo

    THIS MOTHERBOARD IS GREAT! so far... I put it together and it booted flawlessly. I ran a repair of winXP and booted right into windows. I then installed the drivers off the CD. The system feels snappier and boots faster than the previous setup (the dragon+ was a very slow booting board)...
  46. blakerwry

    Intereting read

    they;re wrong more often than they are right... what's the point?
  47. blakerwry

    ATI display interference

    ? what kind of policy is that? If you bought the card and it doesnt work, the retailer usually provides some sort of short-term warranty against a defective product. If it's been more than that term, then the manufacturer should take over until the term of the warranty expires(usually...
  48. blakerwry

    My pc keeps loosing data. Help!

    might be a good idea to do a reinstall or repair of winXP in that case :-(
  49. blakerwry

    Figuring out the graphic card universe...need for a database

    agreed. If we want this to be avaialble, then maybe we should reorganize it and put it in the toolbox