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  1. blakerwry

    Terminator 2 in Hi Def, upgrade your CPU

    Eating about 75-80% on my 1700+ w/ geforce3... not to mention ~ 42,000KB of RAM using WMP9 But I have to say that's the best quality video I've ever seen on my PC.
  2. blakerwry

    Budget upgrade challenge

    It's no surprise that it's cooler/quieter. The t-bird 1.4 is the hottest chip ever prduced for a PC (that I know of). Even the fastest t-breds and bartons are not as hot running. MBM needs to be told what sensors are what... This can be uncomfortable if you're new to the program, but it should...
  3. blakerwry

    MP3 portable players

    yes, i thought the cendyne groove stick looked good
  4. blakerwry

    Anyone still playing Counter-Strike?

    I should have said the single most successful game (as in engine). There are, of course, the SIMS series (of which I've bought several games) and the Quake series. Both of which as a whole probably beat the single Halflife engine (which actually is based in large on the quake2 engine).
  5. blakerwry

    Anyone still playing Counter-Strike?

    If i hadn't gotten in a clan I think I would be bored with it after a month or so. One of the big things that kept me in the game was voice communication. The combination of playing with my friends(team) and being able to communicate is why I still play this game(for almost 2 years). That...
  6. blakerwry

    Typical symptoms of memory running beyond its capabilities

    I've heard the same thing. Personally, I've never believed that increasing RAM voltage was a smart idea, 1) because they *will* fry and 2) because there's little or no benefit. Epox made their default RAM voltage on one of their boards higher than the 2.5v default for DDR(i think it was 2.6v)...
  7. blakerwry


    But you're willing to do work for no cause or benefit? Except, perhaps, to deny your employer the use of this distributed work program. Somehow something doesn't seem right...
  8. blakerwry


    can't you jsut run the distributed proggie at a good nice level? or can't you run folding@home?
  9. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - Beware of GeFarce FX 5200 64MB

    tnt2 and tnt2 M64 aparently had no clear guidelines for clock speed, although 125core/125mem seemed very popular you could find either probably between 100-160mHz with 125 and 150 being the most common speeds. AFAIK the tnt2 was ran at basically the same speed as the m64, the ultra and pro...
  10. blakerwry

    Grado SR60 - Excellent headphones

    Perhaps it's the pie?
  11. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - Beware of GeFarce FX 5200 64MB

    actually, in some situations it makes no(little) speed difference... hence the TNT2 vs the TNT2 M64. I'm guessing at lower resolutions(800x600x32) without AA you probably won't notice a difference between a similarly clocked card with the 128bit(or whatever the regular version uses) memory bus...
  12. blakerwry

    network connection question

    That's one thing that I don' like so much about the linksys, they don't wall mount/stack as easily as other units
  13. blakerwry

    network connection question

    why would that come into play, since you can have 2 static IP's.. couldn't you ask the same questions?
  14. blakerwry

    network connection question

    Can anybody tell me why this is so? If you can assign two(or more) static IP's to a single NIC then why couldn't you assign a DHCP IP and a static one? Can linux utilize a DHCP and a static IP on the same NIC?
  15. blakerwry

    Um... like, hello!

  16. blakerwry

    FYI: "Canadians are hooked on speed"

    I hate monthly traffic caps. I really do.... I wouldn't mind having them if I got some kind of a discount, but it just doesn't make sense to me to be limited to some rediculously low number(compared to your bandwidth). With most of these Canadian ISPs that 1) have caps on badwidth that seem...
  17. blakerwry

    network connection question

    would it be possible to assign two IP's to each computer? oh wait.. no i dont think windows can do that... (1 DHCP and 1 static on the same NIC) Um.. yeah... I'd go for the router... If you had a hub I'd say it's possible to use a non routable protocol like NETBEUI (without the TCP/IP...
  18. blakerwry

    Terminator 2 in Hi Def, upgrade your CPU

    Microsoft has a history of false claims about the quality of their codecs. Do you remember the CD quality sound in 64kbps WMA claim? Or how about DVD quality in <insert rediculsously low number here>bps? Aparently their PR folks don't have much of a handle on what to look for. Not that DVD is...
  19. blakerwry

    winXP: Windows cannot load the locally stored profile...

    One of the things I remembered doing on this install that I had not done on the others was that I installed "super fast" fast user switching. This seemed like a possible culpret, so I removed it.
  20. blakerwry

    winXP: Windows cannot load the locally stored profile...

    I was thinking permissions issue before too, that is why i went from user->power user->admin However, all users (both the users group and everyone group) have read access, along with list and execute And power users have basically all access except "take ownership" and as I said prev., my gf...
  21. blakerwry

    Terminator 2 in Hi Def, upgrade your CPU

    Good, but not perfect. I noticed some blocking on the lighter fades. Too bad it did not play all that smoothly on an AthlonXP 1700+ and Geforce3... If you really do need a multi gHz machine to play this then I'm thinking it won't catch on very fast.
  22. blakerwry

    FYI: "Canadians are hooked on speed"

    almost everytime they do maintanence with the RR servers my IP changes... we had a period there where my IP was changing on a daily or weekly level, but for the most part it is very constant. It's not your router getting back the IP, it's the DHCP server giving it back to you after the lease...
  23. blakerwry

    Terminator 2 in Hi Def, upgrade your CPU

    No you cant, that's the problem. Atleast, it doesn't make my jaw drop anymore. If DIVX allowed a quantizer of 0 then we'd see good quality, as it is I think that maybe 2 is the lowest(highest quality) value that the DIVX codec will recognize.. This is kind of like having JPGs, but only being...
  24. blakerwry

    winXP: Windows cannot load the locally stored profile...

    More accurately it states that access is denied because a file is in use by another process I have set my gf up from power user to administrator and rebooted.. this seems to have fixed it, but I'm not sure if it's temporary or not simply because setting her up from basic user to power user...
  25. blakerwry

    winXP: Windows cannot load the locally stored profile...

    Hey guys, I keep having a problem with my girlfriends account. On a clean install of XP, when I try to logon I have been getting the error message "Windows cannot load the locally stored profile: Insufficient security rights or a corrupted local file. Windows has logged you in with a temporary...
  26. blakerwry

    Terminator 2 in Hi Def, upgrade your CPU

    I'd imagine this codec could replace DIVX in the consumer market if done right. Personally, I don't think DVD's look all that great. It seems like alot(more than 3/4ths) of DVD's I own are poorly made (ie, they *could* look better with the same file sizes if the people who made them had taken...
  27. blakerwry

    Win2K Update / Freeze / STOP Blue Screen

    not being able to boot from the CD indicates that something is wrong hardware wise and shouldn't be an indicator of anything being wrong with your installtion of windows... If it stops on loading drivers/starting windows off the CD perhaps there is a hardware/driver conflict... if you have the...
  28. blakerwry

    Gentoo Linux 1.4 rc4 released.

    but binaries are much smaller than text files to begin with... im thinking it'd take longer to download the source than to download the binares (you ever compare filesizes on self made programs?)
  29. blakerwry

    [REVIEW] Samsung Spinpoint SP1203N

    i agree
  30. blakerwry

    Bon Voyage Concorde

    Anybody see Wile E. Coyote? He's got some interesting ideas for the future of travel.
  31. blakerwry

    Win2K Update / Freeze / STOP Blue Screen

    you can't boot to the win2k CD?
  32. blakerwry

    FYI: "Canadians are hooked on speed"

    yes, you have to be a cable TV customer, fortunately we use Timewarner cable anyway.. but we pay $43 for the same very static DHCP addresses (mine hasn't changed in months) and something under $30(i think it's like $25) for basic cable. Our basic cable service used to cost more, however Everest...
  33. blakerwry

    Um... like, hello!

    Hey man, what's up?
  34. blakerwry

    Budget upgrade challenge

    Ah, i was thinking of Palomino 1700 (which is basically the heating equivalent of the 1.3 duron)
  35. blakerwry

    A Fun Little Flash Game

    MUhahah I have mastered hole 8
  36. blakerwry

    Worry Free Booting in Minutes!

    I always assumed they used a big wheel like in wheel of fortune....
  37. blakerwry

    [INFORMAL TEST] Hansol H711s

    I have some old ISA cards with VGA, DB9, and Composite outputs... mose of the cards have 1 of the above, some have 2... none have all three. I don't have any more of those Macintosh DB15 cards though.
  38. blakerwry

    [INFORMAL TEST] Hansol H711s

    is any body else surprised that we've gone back to digital displays? Wasn't it EGA? or was it CGA? or both? that were digital...
  39. blakerwry

    Budget upgrade challenge

    If you use a dremel or other such grinder, be sure to vacuum and wipe out any metal filings. Personally, for the task of cutting out fan vents, I prefer a pair of good sharp snips to the dremel.
  40. blakerwry

    Need for a "Toolbox Reference Section" ?

    what happened to this idea? is there any interest?
  41. blakerwry

    FYI: "Canadians are hooked on speed"

    I'm in Kansas city.. paying ~$43/month for 2Mbit down, 384kBit up for Timewarner/Roadrunner. That sucks that they charge you so much.... How many IP's do you have? I have two DHCP addresses, is the reason for your high bill a static IP?
  42. blakerwry

    Budget upgrade challenge

    yes, i've heard of apacer... but I still only buy top quality DDR. Since I've never used Apacer personally, I'll just tell you that i've heard it's decent.
  43. blakerwry

    3Com embedded NIC - is it any good?

    i think the chip is probably good... but the connector on the motherboard might be damaged or there might be a problem with your drivers... Did you install windows with the non-stable RAM? that might contribute to the problem... are you using the latest drivers from the mobo makers site or from...
  44. blakerwry

    WTB: 4GB-ish IDE driveS

    I'd say that 10-15 apiece w/ $5-8 shipping (assuming proper shipping)... I'd pay $20 for a 4gb, $25 for a 10gb, $30 for a 15gb drive if I needed one. Unfortunately what you usually get off ebay is a $20 4gb drive with $10 shipping that is blatently improper.
  45. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - VIA and Intel settle lawsuits

    does this mean we will not see the C3 in a few years? That's too bad, I loved seeing a lower cost alternative to intell processors while still having the option of upgrading to them in the future.
  46. blakerwry

    MS admits XP SP1 sucks hard

    it's included in wondows... just drop to the command line and type: format c: /U
  47. blakerwry

    WTB: 4GB-ish IDE driveS

    if you needed <1gb drives I could check the computer swap and shop.. they got rid of alot of their inventory but I would think they still have alot of older drives.
  48. blakerwry

    WTB: 4GB-ish IDE driveS

    heh, i bought a 4gb seagate with the sea-bra... $~25-30 if i remember right.... it's hard to find the bastards cheap on ebay... On the otherhand, I bought 2 slot load CD-ROM drives in new condition for $5 each after shipping. If I ahd any spares or knew where to get them I'd tell you. Perhaps...
  49. blakerwry

    Spam defeated!

    i only get spam on my spam account (and every once in a while on my engineering school acct) My main personal account has been spam free. Although I have a legacy excite email acocunt that I've kept for many years and it's seeing a lot of spam recently. :-( I only check it about once a week...