4k TVs and Monitors


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
This is a big monitor. I've used a 42" 1080P TV as a monitor before, but this seems larger for some reason. Build quality seems great, the cables that ship with it are awesome. It does have a VESA mount, but it is a larger format (200x200? didn't check).


Left to right: Dell 30", Dell 27", Dell 42" 4k, Dell 32" 4k in portrait.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
^^^ Glad to hear you received your Dell 43". Any issues? 3840x2160 @ 60Hz via DP? Excessive IPS glow/bleed? Color quality/uniformity? Input lag/gaming issues? Decent stand? Dell spec sheet says "VESA 100 mm and 200mm" is this accurate?

Any show stoppers or caveats? Thanks again for you input. Can't wait.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
The stand it ships with uses the 200mm set, there are threaded holes for a 100mm mount, but did I mention this thing is big? 3840x2160@60Hz via DP straight out of the box. Working great. Not a significant amount of glow/bleed. Color is a little off, but I can't say how much. When I bring the X-Rite home from work I'll calibrate and see how close it can get.

Lag is not a thing I'm exceptionally sensitive to, but it seems fine to me.

Nothing unexpected, no regrets. This thing is big.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
The stand it ships with uses the 200mm set, there are threaded holes for a 100mm mount, but did I mention this thing is big? 3840x2160@60Hz via DP straight out of the box. Working great. Not a significant amount of glow/bleed. Color is a little off, but I can't say how much. When I bring the X-Rite home from work I'll calibrate and see how close it can get.

Lag is not a thing I'm exceptionally sensitive to, but it seems fine to me.

Nothing unexpected, no regrets. This thing is big.

Fantastic. Exactly what I wanted to hear. And yeah it's big. I have a 42" Vizio TV not 6' away from my computer desk, and when I step back and visualize that TV on my desk, I thought for a second, shit, I hope it's not TOO big. (that's what she said)

I'll be ordering soon. Thanks for the report DD.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Meanwhile, I'm using a 17" monitor with a 1280x1024 definition. I'm about the only SF member more miserable than Sedrosken, monitor-wise (although it is more by choice than lack of means; I'm waiting for a true deal on a good larger monitor).


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
Actually, I'm using a 1280x1024 17" display as well on the desktop, only it's in tandem with a 19" 1440x900 display as well. The laptop has a 1280x800 14.1" screen. If I had about 90 dollars to my name right now I could get a decent 1080p monitor (VGA/DVI only, no HDMI) at 21.5".


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Seems the Dell order form requires a business name!?! I just put "{first & last initials} Consulting." Hope that works. :D


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
I put "nope", so I'm sure you're fine.

My ship date was May 9th with a delivery date of May 11. Credit card charged. Monitor still not delivered. Perhaps Dell is investigating the fake name I used in the "business" line of the address after all.

Hopefully it will arrive on Friday for weekend fun.

Edit: Not 30 seconds after submitting this post a delivery truck showed up, and dropped off a package next door. :( /cry


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Dell's free 2-day delivery service is worth exactly what I paid for it. Shipped on Monday, still not here on Friday.

Not impressed. Hopefully the monitor will deliver.


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
I'm mostly annoyed that I have the last Marantz Receiver that has to get firmware updates from a service center rather than over the internet. It's supposed to be capable of handling 4k but not unless I pay $100 and ship it out for two weeks.

I would consider yourself lucky that they will even do a firmware update via a service center. I know when they recently released their high end pre-processors that support HDMI 2.0/HDCP 2.2 that the prior version owners were SOL. Which model receiver do you have?


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
Dell's free 2-day delivery service is worth exactly what I paid for it. Shipped on Monday, still not here on Friday.

Not impressed. Hopefully the monitor will deliver.

Haven't ordered from Dell in a while but I thought they provided tracking info for UPS/Fedex?


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
The first gen 32" 4k I bought also wasn't an Ultrasharp. I could attribute it to cautiousness concerning a 1st generation product and not wanting to damage the Ultrasharp brand, but it is more likely that the monitor doesn't meet some technical specification (inputs or whatever).

When you look at the Dell 32" 4k Ultrasharp it seems to support a greater colorspace: http://www.amazon.com/Dell-UltraSharp-UP3216Q-Screen-Monitor/dp/B016IBVKNU/

I imagine a 43" Ultrasharp would do the same, however if you want one now looks like the 43" Dell is a good deal (shame they couldn't include HDMI 2 support on it tho).


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
As far as Dell shipping, I figured out the issue. Dell's email to me said the monitor was shipped on the 9th with a delivery date of the 11th. But actually Dell sent the shipping info to Pilot Freight Services on the 11th and was picked up from Dell on the 13th. Sigh. Estimated delivery is the 17th.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Bummer, but at least you know where it is now, and not worried it's in someone else's hands.

Monitor arrived. Box looks pristine. Of course I leave for work in less than an hour so won't get to play with it for a bit. I'll post some before/after pics by the weekend.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
After wondering for 30 seconds, "Why the fuck won't it turn on," I realized the power cable wasn't plugged in. I thought I re-connected everything. Doh. After I got that figured out, my already booted computer was displaying my 43" monster monitor at 3840 x 2160 x 60Hz via DP. FANTASTIC. Looks like a perfect panel. No dead or stuck pixels while looking at solid RED, GREEN, BLUE, WHITE, BLACK screens. :D

It's 3:37am and now I'm pulling my hair out.

I have my old 24" HP monitor in portrait mode on right side of the 43" monitor. I have Win7 multi-monitor setup with 43" primary, 24" secondary, and things seem to work correctly. However, I want to game on the primary monitor while these programs: 1) EVGA's Precision X, 2) RealTemp, 3) CPU-Z, 4) Windows task manager, run on my secondary, 24" monitor. As soon as the game runs only the task manager stays on the secondary screen the others switch to the primary display and are "under" the full screen game on primary/43" monitor. AAAAAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, Yeah, I haven't figured out the right speaker placement yet. Game on big monitor replacing web page and others programs on right side. Like this:


1, 2 and 4 will re-open on secondary monitor if they are closed while on the secondary monitor. 3, CPU-Z, always opens on the primary monitor.

When I had my 24" primary, 22" secondary monitors (both in landscape) everything worked fine. And I could monitor computer/vidcard parameters with a game running. WTF.

Edit: I'll post some pics, review monitor, relay observations, etc, later in the day. MONEY WELL SPENT.
Last edited:


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Maybe try something like Ultramon?

I found out about Ultramon while googling my issue, I'll look into it. I'm just frustrated that it worked before but not now. I tried putting secondary 24" monitor in landscape mode, it didn't fix issue.

Here's a pic comparing the size of the Dell 43" Vs my 24" HP ZR24w. The bottom left corners are aligned. For proper perspective, just imagine a point north-east of the upper-right corner of the 24" monitor.


- Colors look good, but I don't have a colormeter so it's just a subjective opinion.
- No excessive, or "above-average" back-light bleed.
- The stand screws into standard 200mm VESA pattern mounting holes and there are 100mm VESA pattern holes under the stand mounting plate.
- No pan adjustment, but +10 degree tilt up and -5 degree tilt down adjustment. I would have liked a bit more tilt down adjustment but I guess I'll have to sit more upright.
- Cables are good quality, as DD mentioned above. 1x DP to DP, 1x DP to mDP, 1x HDMI, 1x USB 3.0 upstream cable, 1x power cable. The DP cable doesn't have locking tabs.
- USB 3.0 ports are almost useless if you want to plug and un-plug devices all the time as the ports are in back of monitor nearly 5" inches from bottom of monitor.
- Bezels are approx 9/16" (about 14mm) sides/top and 3/4" (about 19mm) bottom. An approx 2mm bevel is cut out of the bezels so they look a bit smaller than they are.


Old setup: 24" monitor center, 22" on left. Laser printer on right. Printer is now gone. I'll probably place it on top of computer case (if it doesn't wobble there). It connects with a Cat-5 cable so I can move it quite a bit if necessary. And yes, I wiped up the dust. Dust if everywhere in AZ.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
You used the aweful word "connoisseur", which shouldn't even be considered a word and which I despise. Otherwise, the review is helpful. I read the specifications and at a bit more than 14Kg, considering its size, it is true that lifting the monitor in order to plug USB cables can be cumbersome.

I also don't understand why Dell bothered with 100mm VESA holes. Most 100mm VESA arms don't support more than 30lbs (this monitor weights a tad more than 31lbs). Some do, but they are expensive.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
You used the aweful word "connoisseur", which shouldn't even be considered a word and which I despise.

Link. LOL ;) I'm kidding. And I'm with Howell, I'm curious as to the reason for the reaction.

Otherwise, the review is helpful. I read the specifications and at a bit more than 14Kg, considering its size, it is true that lifting the monitor in order to plug USB cables can be cumbersome.

I also don't understand why Dell bothered with 100mm VESA holes. Most 100mm VESA arms don't support more than 30lbs (this monitor weights a tad more than 31lbs). Some do, but they are expensive.

I wanted to plug in my card reader and I had to stop and figure out just how I was going to do it. I had to get on knees on side of desk, turn monitor so half of it was hanging off the back of desk, use a flashlight to see and bend my body to plug the damn thing in. Just flat out shitty placement of the USB 3.0 ports. It's the only real negative aspect of the monitor. Well except, perhaps, for the $1450 "shipped" price. ;)

The Dell spec sheet says this about weight:

With packaging: 24.4 kg (53.78 lb)
Panel only–for VESA mount: 14.11 kg (31.09 lb)

No weight for panel + stand. Only gross weight for panel, stand and packaging. Or panel only. :scratch:

USB port issue aside, I'm happy with the monitor and I'm already used to the size. Seems "normal" now. When I glance at my 24" I think, "Damn that thing is tiny." And, "I can never go back."

I guess it's true what they say, "Once you go big, you never go back."


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
He's probably upset with the bastardization of the French word that it's derived from.

It is one way to put it. Explaining in more details would derail the thread. It is a term that manages to be both pompous and ignorant. It shouldn't exist and the fact that it has been accepted officially as an english word just confirms that whatever language authority english has is a total joke, a farce, a grotesque display of faux "connoisseurs" of the very language they are in charge of regulating.

Note that despite being borrowed to the french language, I have no problem with the use of "farce", grotesque" or even "faux". At least they are spelled correctly.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
To get back on topic a bit.

DD can you go to this "LCD Image Retention Test" page and see if your 43" Dell shows any signs of image retention. After 5 minutes of displaying that static B&W checkerboard pattern then switching to the grey screen I was able to can see a very, very, very faint image of the checkerboard pattern. Does not seem permanent or long lasting. Mostly just curious if your monitor displays the same thing.

Perhaps Dell (or panel supplier) is using a different set (of cheaper, less pure) chemicals in the LCD process and those chems have some image retention properties.

Dell also used a panel with a BGR, vs RGB sub-pixel layout. Anybody know of any downsides of this BGR layout and a Windows O/S?

I've posted about the above two subject on hardforums here.



Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Yup. More than a little faint, I'd say. Possibly 10% still there for about 15 seconds?

Other than a synthetic I must say I've never noticed any issues related to this.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Perhaps Dell (or panel supplier) is using a different set (of cheaper, less pure) chemicals in the LCD process and those chems have some image retention properties.
It's much, much, much more complicated than that. IPS type panels are prone to image sticking, far more than VA type. Just about every aspect of the design and manufacturing process can contribute to or be a factor in image sticking.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Yup. More than a little faint, I'd say. Possibly 10% still there for about 15 seconds?

Other than a synthetic I must say I've never noticed any issues related to this.

Well it is good to know that I'm not the only one. ;) I too have have not noticed a thing unless looking at static test images. The "image retention" goes away rather quickly and does not seem to be permanent. That's all I care about.

It's much, much, much more complicated than that. IPS type panels are prone to image sticking, far more than VA type. Just about every aspect of the design and manufacturing process can contribute to or be a factor in image sticking.

Probably true. There probably are some change in manufacturing, whether it's materials or the process itself because my older HP ZR 24w shows zero image retention as compared to the slight amount for the Dell.

Bottom line. As long as I never notice the image retention when using the monitor in "normal ways" and the retention is not permanent I'll be a happy camper.

I have the same feeling of, "I can't believe how much better this is," moving from 24" --> 43" as I did when I went from a 19" CRT --> 24" LCD.


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
I've switched from a 24" Dell running 1920*1200 to a 40" 4k Vizio TV, the biggest issue I have is that when I get close to the screen I get barrel distortion from my glasses. I can certainly see a future where I have three of these (prob sitting on folding tables).


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
I've switched from a 24" Dell running 1920*1200 to a 40" 4k Vizio TV, the biggest issue I have is that when I get close to the screen I get barrel distortion from my glasses. I can certainly see a future where I have three of these (prob sitting on folding tables).

Curious. 1) Is the Vizio 3840x2160 @ 60Hz? Is the chroma 4:4:4 or 4:2:2?