Handruin, I have an Tyan MPX on the way to my house. It should be up in a couple days. I'm putting it in a
small case (SC701-A) with a 300W PS since I already had it. It has the minimum amperage on the 12V line recommended by Tyan, 30A. We'll see how it goes.
If I were going to build another one. I would go for a micro-atx board in a micro case. I recently purchased a
Soyo SY-K7VEM Pro for the
case Buck recommended.
The pluses: small form factor (I could stack
six or more of these in the same space as
two midtowers), takes sdram (which I already had), with a decent HSF (regulated to it's lowest speed by zalman speed control) I have stably overclocked a 1700+(1466) to 1636. This is smack between 1900+ and 2000+, a 2.5 speed grade overclock. MB, case, ram, proc and fan and you are ready to go. MB + case= ~$140
The minus:the board only officially supports as big as a 1700+ CPU, overclocking must be done with CPUFSB and no CPU voltage control.