My demeaning user rank is
The 190-proof grain spirits that are sold under that name BTW, not the engine fuel.
Your mention of this made me think to search for a mixed drink called Diesel (yes, I'm bored). But here's what I found (Bartender might be interested):Groltz said:Funny you mentioned that. I still have a full fifth bottle of that stuff that my friend sent me as a "gift" from Baton Rouge back '94.
Diesel 2
- 1/2 pint(s) Cider
- 1/2 pint(s) Lager
- 1 Other Black Currant Cordial
Directions/Comments: Simply add half a pint of cider to half a pint of lager and add black currant cordial to taste. Other variations include Turbo Diesel (take a pint of Diesel, drink some of it, then add a shot of Pernod) and Diesel Snapshot (named after the cranberry-flavoured vodka which is the extra ingredient. Drink some of the Diesel then add a shot of cranberry vodka).
Bartender said:a nasty collision between a redneck and a Frenchman
Handruin said:I got my friend to sign up, you should see gremlin show up on the score boards for folding @ home. I don't think he'll read the forum much, but we have another person contributing to the team!
The JoJo said:Damm that Macrumors team...
We need more power Scotty!
Anyone is nieve if you think that they won't be adding machines too, so more than that is needed.
Dozer said:Anyone is nieve if you think that they won't be adding machines too, so more than that is needed.
Roger that, P5...We need some heavy hitters to keep up. I'm working on getting a Pentium II dual up and running, but that's not much power. You're right, we need a couple more dedicated crunchers.
Jake the Dog said:i have a few questions:
1) is it possible to d/load w/u's and then run them on a non web-accessible network? i can utilise a 4 way XEON box if so.
2) can the linux client be adapted for tru64? i'm about to take ownership of a quad 1ghz alpha cpu compaq box. this thing would crunch with the best of them.
Mercutio said:The only time those priorities really matter is when you're slamming the CPU at something over 80% utilization on a more or less continual basis. I suppose if you pushed things all the way up to "realtime" you might get a slight improvement but otherwise I don't think you'd save yourself more than a fraction of a second.
I have a spare machine (XP1700+/GA-7VRXP/256MB) I built that won't be picked up for a couple weeks. I installed the Beta7 Console Folding Client. It hard locked Windows 2000 Pro. Not sure if I'll try that again.
Mercutio said:Folding's console client continues to lock these machines. I tried a couple of my personal machines as well and it does not seem to do well. This machine is just sitting here not being used, and I hear y'all can use the boost anyway.
Any advice for actually getting it going?
Jake the Dog said:the console version really needs some work imho. it locks up my win XP athlon XP2000+ machine and it can't handle proxies that require authentication so all the F@H's i'm running are the graphical version.
Clocker said:I've never had any real trouble with it. For the proxy, just give IP of your proxy server instead of the name. It would not work for me until I gave the actual IP address of the proxy server rather than the url to it
Clocker said:I have never, ever had a lock up that was not caused by the F@H server being down. That wasn't really a lockup either, it just paused until the server(s) were available. I wonder what it is about the F@H console client could be causig your system to crash? Weird...