Not my type; trust me 
(She's the tall doctor
(She's the tall doctor
As long as you can hold your vodka you should be OK.
Oh, and if anyone's looking to hire a somewhat-rusty-but-determined-as-hell-to-ditch-his-current-job-and-get-back-in-the-saddle IT support & applications analyst, please let me know. :frusty:
What metro area would this be in? Or is it all of them?
i said:Can anyone suggest a good book or site that provides an in-depth technical background to VoIP, preferably Cisco's implementation(s)?
Hah! Here, the malls start playing Christmas Carols in October BUT some radio stations do so in August.I just heard Christmas music in Jamba Juice...this marks the start of my annual hermitage.
Try the kitty litter :rotfl:My cat stole my glasses.
I cannot see and I have been feeling around for them for hours now.