Search results

  1. RWIndiana

    Anyone use freeNAS

    I downloaded and booted up FreeNAS recently. It's not all that much like Linux/BSD (even though it's based on BSD) because I didn't really have a command prompt, just menus. I played with it for about five minutes then ran out of time. Anyway, it totally confused me, and everytime I made a...
  2. RWIndiana

    Yay! I installed what?

    In my Debian install in KDE, I can go to Control Center > Internet and Network > Samba. Actually in Internet and Network there is a bunch of stuff that may be of interest.
  3. RWIndiana

    Yay! I installed what?

    mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //server/data, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so Please check that the device is plugged correctly. Looks like smbfs is not installed. Is it? If you're looking for another...
  4. RWIndiana

    I received this hilarious spam

    Amazing . . . although I actually genuinely feel sorry for the original scammer. :o
  5. RWIndiana

    World Cup 2006, June 9 - July 9

    I think most sports should be outlawed (figuratively speaking). Total waste of time. Of course, that goes for a lot of things.
  6. RWIndiana

    Satellite Internet

    Arg! Now I'm still worried. We actually had already ordered the service. I hope the one you describe Merc was due to a faulty setup. According to, Comcast cable broadband is available to us. This seems highly unlikely in our rural area. Could it be true?
  7. RWIndiana

    Satellite Internet

    Hi all. We're looking at Hughesnet satellite Internet service. The 1mb download and 200k upload sounds pretty good, but I've been reading some horror stories about how satellite latency causes web page loads to be as slow or slower with satellite than dialup, and about unreliable and/or dropped...
  8. RWIndiana

    Terrestrial Engineering. Objections?

    Haha, you're too kind. I just love the effect I have around here. Of course, sometimes the truth seems the most absurd of all things. Although I never even said I actually believed it, I simply said that certain people predicted it. So yeah, whoever said that may just be really stupid. I agree...
  9. RWIndiana

    Terrestrial Engineering. Objections?

    I agree with the first paragraph. Many, many people who have children really should not. If we could somehow stop crooks, murderers, et cetera from having children, that alone would reduce the rate of population growth right there. I disagree with the idea of a license though. More government...
  10. RWIndiana

    Terrestrial Engineering. Objections?

    Sorry to rain on your bubble, or burst your parade, or something like that, but it just so happens that I have been officially designated as the one who gets to decide which 10% to keep. Sorry. No hard feelings man. :) Oh but I would be sure to keep you and P5 both, just cause I like you.
  11. RWIndiana

    Terrestrial Engineering. Objections?

    Atta boy! Show us how it's done! You are planning to lead by example, right? You did say 90% of "us" and not 90% of "everyone besides me." Very noble. I agree. That would be amazing.
  12. RWIndiana

    Kubuntu supports 16:10 format, great!

    . . . pretty sure I didn't say that, but I could be wrong (maybe you were referring to someone else). Anyway, I do think Debian Sid is far more stable than some other distros. I have never had any issues at all, except with installing new packages where one needs to be careful and watch what's...
  13. RWIndiana

    Kubuntu supports 16:10 format, great!

    I too made the mistake of installing from the firefox website when I first got Debian. It took a bit to start thinking the "Debian way." As Coug implied, some (some) things in Linux are just so simple that they are easily overlooked. I recommend Kubuntu based on what I've heard about the...
  14. RWIndiana

    The weather is completly f*cked up!

    If I thought it would help, I would do my part to inject more pollutants into the atmosphere. I tried it before, though, and it frosted anyway. Seems little old me can't do much about it. I'm tired of being cold when it's supposed to be practicly summer. *sigh*
  15. RWIndiana

    Bought a Thinkpad A30. This thing is a thank.

    I have an A31. It sure looks clunky on the outside but it really is sturdy. I think I could throw the thing and not dent it. If there were a laptop demolition derby I'm betting that these Thinkpads would rank pretty high. I have a Win2K license with it but never got around to installing it yet...
  16. RWIndiana

    IIS headache vs Apache simplicity.

    Hmm, Interesting . . . I wonder how well this will work:
  17. RWIndiana

    IIS headache vs Apache simplicity.

    So why is "godaddy" switching over to Windows? Do they want to make themselves a bigger target?
  18. RWIndiana

    I have a headache!

    Usually I do the entire disk, but I'll try doing partitions soon as I have time. Thanks.
  19. RWIndiana

    I have a headache!

    You must have a better version of Ghost than I (I have 2003), because my bootloader is broken every time. It's not too bad since I can just reload the bootloader, but it's an annoyance.
  20. RWIndiana

    I have a headache!

    I guess I'm a conspiracy theorist when it comes to Microsoft and computers in general. Now I add Acronis TrueImage to my list of suspect applications. Today I went over to my sister's house to get a drive that I put in their computer for temporary while they transitioned from Windows ME to XP...
  21. RWIndiana

    It's official : Windows boots on a Macbook Pro!

    If I bought an Apple, personally, the only reason I would want to use Windows on it is for novelty, and more likely I would use Linux on it anyway. But then, I don't ever plan to buy an Apple. Would anyone here actually *prefer* to run Windows on a mac instead of OS X?
  22. RWIndiana

    Teaching Linux

    Okay now that I'm not as clueless as I was and am now running Linux almost exclusively for everything I do, I would say I agree that file permissions are a good thing to teach. And basic commands, of course. Writing scripts, understanding runlevels. And perhaps that ext2 and ext3 filesystems...
  23. RWIndiana

    Google's right

    That's great. I respect that in theory. But I don't think profanity is considered an "opinion," as such.
  24. RWIndiana

    Google's right

    Now here's the REAL failure. Whoever does this type of stuff is just the typical wacko just like most of the morons here: Googler insights into product and technology news and our culture. Googlebombing 'failure' 9/16/2005...
  25. RWIndiana

    Google's right

    It would actually be funny if it made any sense, but considering the hypocrisy of your posts and the lack of evidence that our president is a "failure," it's not really funny coming from you. I'll vote for you for president, as I'm sure you could do a much better job (at failing). Don't get me...
  26. RWIndiana

    PDAs/Pocket PCs

    Hello all, I'm looking into buying one of those pocket or palm PCs as it would be handy for study. I haven't a clue where to go so I thought I'd ask: what's good, what's bad, and what's in my price range? I don't want to spend more than 200 dollars (eBay) for one, so that is a bit of a limiting...
  27. RWIndiana

    OLN killed cycling Sunday in Canada. Bloody bastards...

    I hate TV. I don't care what it is or where it's from, it's all just a show. :P :lol: I'm with Howell too. There are thousands of things I'd much rather do than watch the stationary indoctrinator.
  28. RWIndiana

    Indiana and DST

    That is very strange. That means it would only be three months that we would be on Standard time. In other words, why not just move the whole country--permenantly--one hour ahead?? If this passes, hopefully we will be put on Central time so not much changes here. By the way, I can understand...
  29. RWIndiana

    Indiana and DST

    I know no one who doesn't live in Indiana probably doesn't care, but it sounds like we may be switching to Daylight Savings Time (again). Well I liked it just the way it was and I don't think it will help business a bit. That's one thing Indiana was ahead of it's time on, the time. lol. I mean...
  30. RWIndiana


    lol . . . I know it's awful, isn't it? :D
  31. RWIndiana


    Ouch, i that hurts. Heh. Actually I don't disagree with you, not entirely, but I have a hard time believing that you actually believe everything you said. Now it's going to sound like I'm on the defensive here, but sometimes I just have to explain things to people who just don't get it. Just so...
  32. RWIndiana


    If my brother in law was abusive to my sister, he would not be a part of my family. But that's beside the point: I think this question should better be phrased "since when is the husband the only family?" Since that is what the judicial system has judged. That is a huge step backwards for...
  33. RWIndiana


    Amen. And may we not take any more away from their families to kill them.
  34. RWIndiana


    --You fail to show that this fits the proper definition of "life support." --According to many, that is very debatable. She is able to swallow her saliva. But then, anyone who would dare try to feed her would be put in jail. That is insanity. If she can't eat or drink (or swallow), fine...
  35. RWIndiana


    I suggest you stop inflicting your idiotic comments on me. Whether or not you believe in God is between you and Him. He does not need your approval to exist, you need His. Anyway, I'm not talking about her life, whether spiritual or temporal. I'm talking about the obvious things you all are...
  36. RWIndiana


    Once again, my point has been proven. Many people simply can not and will not see beyond the issue of Terry Shiavo's temporal, physical life. I see it's no use explaining things to concrete blocks. "I have found that conservatives tend to be far more hypocritical and unprincipled than...
  37. RWIndiana


    I don't know why anyone thinks that the politicians are "milking" this, since polls indicate that they are clearly in the minority. I do not think that is a valid point. I think most people (those who want to "let her go"), are not realizing the bigger picture here. There are clearly VERY...
  38. RWIndiana

    Firefox bookmarks icons

    woops, nevermind, I was just overlooking the painfully obvious again. (
  39. RWIndiana

    Firefox bookmarks icons

    Thanks Will. That works great for most sights, though I'm having a problem with MSN groups. For example: gives me a page not found error. just brings up the homepage of that group.
  40. RWIndiana

    Firefox bookmarks icons

    Will, is there a way to copy an icon from one bookmark and add it to another/ I haven't figured that out yet.
  41. RWIndiana


    See, that just goes to show how important the SPACE BAR is to me! Ha.
  42. RWIndiana


    Man guys, this is deep. I can see the need for a larger backspace key, but I agree with you, i (and it appears I am the only one), I liked the L-shaped enter keys. I know of two keys that could be eliminated from my keyboard right now . . . wait, make that three: the special "windows" buttons...
  43. RWIndiana

    Firefox bookmarks icons

    I have a slightly irritating problem with Firefox. The bookmark icons are incorrect most of the time for some reason! For example, an MSN group will have the icon for ebay and vice versa. Anyway to fix this? I'm probably missing something obvious as usual. lol thanks Rod
  44. RWIndiana

    Cloned Animals Will Be in U.S. Food Chain

    Sech, honestly I think you are being inconsistent. Shelling out money for beef is not any different than shelling it out for computer components. Money is money. You mentioned that food is a necessity and computers are not . . . Well, that justifies Pradeep's argument even further. I also...
  45. RWIndiana

    Cloned Animals Will Be in U.S. Food Chain

    Fascinating, Buck. I thought it interesting that beef grows slower on grass. I'm guessing it is also more nutritious when grown on grass. I know that when chickens run loose on the farm (as opposed to only being fed in chicken houses), the yokes of their eggs are a deep orange rather than the...
  46. RWIndiana

    Cloned Animals Will Be in U.S. Food Chain

    Of course, we're all here talking about computers, which doesn't do the Africans a whole lot of good either.
  47. RWIndiana

    Cloned Animals Will Be in U.S. Food Chain

    Ha, wouldn't happen in communist Indiana! DNR would sieze property and stick him in jail for 40 years. Glad we got some Republicans here now to fire all those communists. Mitch Daniels fired the head of the DNR. Yeah!!
  48. RWIndiana

    Huge 'star-quake' rocks Milky Way

    Tannin, your post says it all. That is exactly how I feel. Howell, so true!
  49. RWIndiana

    Huge 'star-quake' rocks Milky Way

    I can't even fathom the infinite size and complexity of the earth and our own sun, not to mention the trillions of other stars much larger than the sun. Whenever I start thinking about something like this, it just staggars me. It's hard not to get religious (not that I try not to). Or at least...
  50. RWIndiana

    A little bit chilly

    I personally didn't really like the variations in temperature from 65F to -5F. For one thing, the two inches of rain we got flooded half the county, then it froze solid. We went skating on the lawn (the day before, we had to use a boat). That was back in January now. But now we have another...