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  1. P

    Video Fun

    First video, I have to say seems like just a bunch of idiots trying to hurt themselves and others in a lame attempt to seem cool. Second video I've seen before, and wasn't all that impressed. Didn't much see the point in a bike that fast, seemed especially wasted on the rider who didn't seem...
  2. P

    Look, it's Merc...with hair!

    This is sure what I'd call signal to noise ;P
  3. P

    Drug Design optimization Lab

    Yes there is a GUI on the linux client. In fact, the linux client is much like the windows version with only a few minor differences. In my limited experience with my laptop, the linux version is also more efficient.
  4. P

    Once upon a time, at a movie theater this weekend...

    There are some hacks I think for Series2 SA, they're all unofficial and unsupported. Not sure on the DirectTivo. A good place to look around and find out is
  5. P

    Once upon a time, at a movie theater this weekend...

    If you have DirectTV, and are considering a Tivo type unit, I strongly suggest you look into DirectTivo. They are duel tuner units, meaning as long as you have two connections into them you can record two things at once, watch something while it records something else, or watch something you've...
  6. P

    Arizone Convicts

    Someone thinks one sheriff is mistreating prisoners so of course he comes to the conclusion that it must mean all people in the US do so and are jerks because of it.
  7. P

    [NEWS] - Windows flaws allow PC takeover

    Automatic update got got the patch for me before I even knew about it.
  8. P

    How do people meet people?

    Make a list of your interests. Think of things in the past that you enjoyed doing that you may not have done in awhile. Now from those lists, take the things that other people can be involved in. Try and find a place to do those things with other people. Hopefully, eventually you'll meet some...
  9. P

    Replacement for Word, and Excel

    Their claim is that they didn't include the features many people don't use anyway. I would say they have included enough features for it to be a useful and money saving alternative for someone who has to receive the MS file formats and work with them. From what I've seen in a few days of...
  10. P

    Replacement for Word, and Excel I found this free suite of applications when looking for a MS Works replacement for a friend. I've installed it and it appears stable and supports the MS file formats and has a lot of features. I thought I'd post it and let you all know about it in...