Empire in Decline


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Sometimes you never know about the people (or animals) you're sharing a roof with. Turns out my cat Jeannie is an avid Trump supporter:

Jeannie Trump.jpg

She even snuck out to go to Trump rallies. Her last covid-19 test was positive, which she undoubtedly caught at a rally, so I tried to make her wear a mask so I don't get it:

Jeannie Covid-19.jpg

Of course, being a full-fledged Trump supporter, she pulled it off as soon as I put it on. She said real cats don't wear masks.

I guess Trump not only brainwashed over 70 million people, but also a lot of their pets as well. Apparently Jeannie met this cat online and he convinced her to support Trump:



Storage is cool
Jan 31, 2003
Östersund, Sweden
I hope the cat did not sneak out and voted as a dead person (or a dead cat?) That might explain why Trump supposedly ended up with 70 million votes?

I also believe I now understand the reasoning and fact gathering process behind Giuliani and Trump cases.

...But they forgot the pen...


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I hope the cat did not sneak out and voted as a dead person (or a dead cat?) That might explain why Trump supposedly ended up with 70 million votes?
Actually my cat is claiming Trump lost the election because the Democats had fake ballots with Biden's name trucked in. The Republicats supposedly turned out in record numbers. That might be most of Trump's votes. Easy for him to please cats. Just promise them a warm bed, a place to poop, and a full food dish.


Storage is cool
Jan 31, 2003
Östersund, Sweden
Trump has not given up!



Storage is cool
Jan 31, 2003
Östersund, Sweden


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
Actually in Georgia it appears some significant fraud has been caught on CCTV at the State Farm Arena tabulation center, on election night.

Around 10.30pm the supervisor announces that counting will stop for the night and resume at 8am. The GOP poll observers go home (they are entitled to be there by Georgia law when ballots are being counted). Once the poll observers have left, she and four others that remain pull out containers from under their desks and proceed to scan in thousands of ballots till nearly 1AM, while unsupervised and without witnesses.

Fulton County officials couldn't explain or justify what was going on in the video when asked about it on Thursday.

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Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
That post needs a warning label on it like Twitter and Facebook have resorted to.

  • The 'CCTV' is actually publicly broadcast webcams, provided so that everything inside can be observed by anyone who is interested.
  • Anyone can observe in person, provided there is room and they don't interfere with the officials, but it is not an entitlement.
  • The 'desk' is not a desk per se but some sort of open cupboard where they keep the papers. You can see workers fetching bulk papers from there while the observers were still there - it clearly isn't a hidey hole but the place where they are supposed to be kept.
  • The Secretary of State's office confirmed that they had an official observer there while this was happening - remember that the Secretary of State is a Republican.
  • It is manifestly untrue that officials could not explain what happened. Also, the director stated beforehand that he expected counting to continue past midnight. Don't forget that they were under the pump thanks to COVID staff losses and restrictions, as well as having to deal with Trumpers setting out to obstruct the counting wherever possible (that sums up Trump's entire reelection strategy).
  • But the elephant in the room is the fact that Georgia counted all the votes three separate times, once entirely by hand. Surely the most checked and reliable count in the whole USA?
  • Isn't OAN that misinformation channel that YouTube sin-binned for a week, demonetized and issued a strike against for claims that endangered public health?


Jan 13, 2002
That post needs a warning label on it like Twitter and Facebook have resorted to.

  • The 'CCTV' is actually publicly broadcast webcams, provided so that everything inside can be observed by anyone who is interested.
  • Anyone can observe in person, provided there is room and they don't interfere with the officials, but it is not an entitlement.
  • The 'desk' is not a desk per se but some sort of open cupboard where they keep the papers. You can see workers fetching bulk papers from there while the observers were still there - it clearly isn't a hidey hole but the place where they are supposed to be kept.
  • The Secretary of State's office confirmed that they had an official observer there while this was happening - remember that the Secretary of State is a Republican.
  • It is manifestly untrue that officials could not explain what happened. Also, the director stated beforehand that he expected counting to continue past midnight. Don't forget that they were under the pump thanks to COVID staff losses and restrictions, as well as having to deal with Trumpers setting out to obstruct the counting wherever possible (that sums up Trump's entire reelection strategy).
  • But the elephant in the room is the fact that Georgia counted all the votes three separate times, once entirely by hand. Surely the most checked and reliable count in the whole USA?
  • Isn't OAN that misinformation channel that YouTube sin-binned for a week, demonetized and issued a strike against for claims that endangered public health?

This is the most amount of effort I'll give OAN, it's like Tucker Carlson++:

The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Actually in Georgia it appears some significant fraud has been caught on CCTV at the State Farm Arena tabulation center, on election night.

Around 10.30pm the supervisor announces that counting will stop for the night and resume at 8am. The GOP poll observers go home (they are entitled to be there by Georgia law when ballots are being counted). Once the poll observers have left, she and four others that remain pull out containers from under their desks and proceed to scan in thousands of ballots till nearly 1AM, while unsupervised and without witnesses.

Fulton County officials couldn't explain or justify what was going on in the video when asked about it on Thursday.
Let me play Devil's Advocate for a moment. Let's ignore everything time wrote, let's assume those were all "fake" ballots filled out for Biden, and let's assume there were enough of them to flip the state of Georgia. So what? Biden still wins the election, except he wins 290-248 instead of 306-232.

I find it easier to believe that there was widespread voter fraud by GOP voters. It's disconcerting to believe well over 74 million Americans thought Trump was a better choice after four years of his lies, as well as his outright negligent handling of the pandemic. The latter is already good enough reason to not grant him a second term, even if he was a stellar President prior to that, but he wasn't. And I'm saying this as someone who didn't vote in either election, but probably would have voted for Trump in 2016 if someone put a gun to my head to pick one. You could make a case for Trump in 2016. When he won, I still thought he was problematic but I hoped he might grow into the role. Didn't happen. By midterm it was clear he had to go. 2020 made it crystal clear.

The real reason for this ongoing, meritless claim of widespread voter fraud should be obvious to even the casual observer. Follow the money, as in Trump is raising truckloads of it since the election. Moreover, a lot of it can be used purely at his discretion. My guess is he'll use it to help pay off his debts which are coming due soon. So basically he's using the office of US President to grift. I hope anyone who voted for him looks long and hard in the mirror.


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
Let me play Devil's Advocate for a moment. Let's ignore everything time wrote, let's assume those were all "fake" ballots filled out for Biden, and let's assume there were enough of them to flip the state of Georgia. So what? Biden still wins the election, except he wins 290-248 instead of 306-232.
Ok, in your hypothetical, how many states would need to be fraudulently won before you would accept that it had affected the overall race?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Ok, in your hypothetical, how many states would need to be fraudulently won before you would accept that it had affected the overall race?
My point is that it's really a stretch to make a case to prove there was enough fraud even in one state where Biden won by a relatively slim margin to flip the results, never mind to do so in enough states to change the election results. And it works both ways. If you're going to start claiming fraud, then you'll need to apply the same standards to every county in a state, not just the ones where invalidating votes would be in your favor. If they want to claim signatures were invalid, then start checking signatures in the poll books for those who voted in person as well.

Once you start doing this, you'll open a big can of worms. The Dems have a great case that there was voter suppression in Texas when the governor limited the number of drop boxes to one per county. Maybe invalidate the results of the entire state on that basis and do the election over? Maybe the Dems can start claiming the races in the House or Senate which they lost were rigged as well. The bottom line is with all the cameras and observers fraud on the scale needed to actually change the results of even one state, never mind the entire race, would have been impossible.

Everyone knew Trump was never going to accept the election results if he didn't win. He was building towards this for months, claiming mail-in voting is a fraud, and encouraging his supporters to vote in person. He knew when they started counting votes he would be ahead in swing states until they started counting millions of mail-in ballots, which obviously takes lots of time. Then his lead would dwindle or even vanish, and he could claim the election was stolen. Anyone with half a brain knew this would be his playbook months in advance. The news stations were even talking about a red mirage on election day.
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Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
From the first time I heard him decry mail-in voting I knew that was his play. I had a half-formed thought in my head when he claimed that if you deducted the illegal votes he won the popular vote in 2016. "Welp, there's his excuse when he loses the next one... illegal votes."

The coming weeks will be interesting, either way. It'll either be good entertainment to watch Drumpf continue to flail angrily, or we'll all get wowed with all this "evidence" they supposedly have.

I went to bed on election night 2016 thinking Hillary had it in the bag, and resigning myself to more of the same, only to feel like I slipped into the goddamned twilight zone the next morning when I heard the words "President-elect Donald J. Trump." Well, going forward, I feel like I've got to keep myself open to all outcomes, because I mean, there've been so many 'end of the road' moments for him and they never actually were.


Storage is cool
Jan 31, 2003
Östersund, Sweden


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I agree on the big lie conclusion, but asking people not to vote? Makes little sense to me.
At this point if they're going to vote for candidates like Trump it's better if they don't bother voting at all. It doesn't say much for the people who voted for him that think he's a good representative of our country. I've heard that a stable democracy depends upon an educated voting base. When you hear Trump supporters being interviewed, especially the ones who think covid is a hoax, or the election was rigged, it's painfully obvious they're as dumb as posts. Probably half his supporters had to sign the ballot book with an "X". We should really have minimum educational levels a person must attain before being allowed to vote to keep obviously unqualified morons like Trump and GOP Q-Anon supporters from getting elected. There should be even higher qualifications in terms of IQ and education for anyone who wants to run for public office. The US is an idiocracy in no small part due to masses of idiots being allowed to vote. Sure, they'll vote one of their own in, but that's obviously not in the best interests of the country.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I went to bed on election night 2016 thinking Hillary had it in the bag, and resigning myself to more of the same, only to feel like I slipped into the goddamned twilight zone the next morning when I heard the words "President-elect Donald J. Trump." Well, going forward, I feel like I've got to keep myself open to all outcomes, because I mean, there've been so many 'end of the road' moments for him and they never actually were.
I actually stayed up until Trump was declared the winner. On the one hand, I was worried but hoped Trump might grow into the role (obviously he didn't). On the other, I was no fan of Hillary Clinton, so it wasn't like I was so sad that she lost. I was actually singing "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" after they declared Trump the winner, but overall I hated both candidates.

Of course, once we got into the Trump Presidency, I saw how much a threat to democracy he really is. This time around I was cheering when he lost. I really think we narrowly avoided a repeat of 1930s Germany where Trump would have installed himself as dictator for life had he gotten a second term. Now we need to make sure he's not a viable candidate for 2024. Hopefully he'll be found guilty of a crime severe enough to lock him up. That would be so ironic since he's the one always leading chants of "lock him(her) up".


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
The Supreme Court rejected the Texas suit as well:

Now is this nonsense finally, really, over? I don't care if Trump concedes or not. He lost the election. Period. Time to get on with life.


Jan 13, 2002
I doubt the nonsense will be over for a while. He has to keep the pace to continue to hold whatever support is left.


Storage is cool
Jan 31, 2003
Östersund, Sweden
This is outrageous, a scandal, clearly an evil, hideous crime thst only the phedophiles in the deep state could come up with: Georgia is trying to undermime the GOP by making it easier for people to vote while minimizing the risk of spreading Covid-19.



Storage is nice, especially if it doesn't rotate
Nov 21, 2002
That's Newt, working hard, like so many repugnican officials, to steal/rig/cheat the 2020 Presidential election - "the will of the people".

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Cisa), which is part of the Department of Homeland Security, on Nov 13:

said the 2020 White House vote was the "most secure in American history", rejecting President Donald Trump's fraud claims.

Trump's response was to fire the head of CISA.
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Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
Retiring Rep. Paul Mitchell, who has resigned from the GOP in disgust at the post-election shenanigans:

In my opinion, the extremes of both parties are dragging their parties and this country off a cliff. The majority of Americans are in the middle. The majority of Americans want solutions to problems -- want us to address them and not see who can have a political win. Not see who can grab political power for all it's worth and actually do something to solve a problem for the American people.
And frankly we haven't done enough of that -- haven't done enough the last two terms. And this election simply confirms for me that it's all about power first and that, frankly, is disgusting and demoralizing.


Storage is cool
Jan 31, 2003
Östersund, Sweden
This is strange (or proof that Trump os Putins lap dog?), but he have not said a word about the ongoing cyber attack on USA.



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Trump is hiding in the basement, gorging on fast food, and raging that the election was stolen from him. At this point he's incapable of doing anything here, or offering any words worth listening to. The hallmarks of his administration have been inaction (except for things he considered important like his stupid border wall) and incompetence. He's going out the same way he went in. I'm glad there's only 33 more days of this.


Storage is nice, especially if it doesn't rotate
Nov 21, 2002
I guess Putin and Kim Jong-un have been much better about "contributing" to the Trump "re-election (rig/steal/cheat) campaign than China.