If I could get a drive like this, for about 1/4 the price I would be quite happy. A bit larger would be nice too. It really seems to be taking ages for SSDs to come out.
You mean the 16GB version.I'd take this over that....faster with an easier interface, provided your board supports boot-to-USB
They can indeed -- its called wear leveling, and it can be implemented by either a controler embedded in the device or at the file system level (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wear_levelling).I don't know how safe I would feel booting off of a USB thumbdrive for an extended period of time.
Do thumbdrives use algorithms to vary where data is written so that the drive does not die an untimely death?
Samsung going for a 64GB SSD in 2Q07. Now that's a viable notebook replacement drive. Adequate capacity and more than adequate STR. Too bad it doesn't mention seek times.