Regarding your experience with Esenda, it never ceases to amaze me how companies do totally stupid things virtually guaranteed to piss off customers to save what probably amounts to pennies in the short term (and in all likelihood costs them more than they save in the long term). This includes things like outsourcing your customer service to (insert third world country of your choice), replacing a part which is known to work well with something questionable which breaks after you use the product twice, not bothering to properly package items known to be easily damaged in shipped (hello Newegg-hard drives can't be packaged the same as rubber bands), contracting out parts of your business to questionable contractors with no track record, eliminating in-house product development and quality control, selling your information to "associates" who bother you nonstop with telemarketing calls, and on and on. I very rarely see anything but disaster when companies do these things, yet time and again they never learn from their mistakes. Often, the supposed savings are more than offset by unhappy customers taking their business elsewhere. All this in my opinion is a product of the "next quarter" thinking which has permeated the business world. Businesses no longer plan or think in terms of years or decades. It's always what expenses can we cut right now so the next quarterly statement shows more profit. By the time the company folds, the CEO who made these cuts already has his/her bonus, and has moved on to the next victim.
And BTW, if that had been me, I think I would have chewed the guy's head off for calling me at such an ungodly hour. Last time someone pulled a stunt like that with me, I actually got a call from their supervisor a few days later about how the person was so "upset" by my cursing them out that they were crying. I politely told the supervisor he could go fuck himself too, and his employees should know better than to call someone at 8 AM on a Saturday (actually 8 AM on any day, unless it's a place of business which my home number certainly isn't).
Complain Merc, loudly and often, whenever you're at the receiving end of this kind of half-assed "service". I'm just getting so sick and tired of the Mickey Mouse way even large businesses operate nowadays.