...But I am also completely nervous because I do not know how well I will do with being in that particular set of unfamiliar social settings. I am worried that I will make myself sick or say/do something that is completely wrong.
All that I learned about dating I got from old movies. I still open doors and tuck in chairs for women. All doors/chairs for all women, always. I try to speak just enough to keep the conversation going; it's not my job to drive the conversation, but it is my job to stop it from dying. Pay as much attention as you can without staring.
And of course, the hardest part, be comfortable with the concept of physical contact without wanting it or fearing it. Physical contact is something that occasionally happens, and people with little experience can make it very obvious that they have little experience. Mistake #1 is to try and avoid all physical contact as a sign of respect. This makes it obvious that you aren't comfortable, and that you interpret any physical contact as something more serious, making the next mistakes that much more obvious. Mistake #2, make it too firm. Usually demonstrated by a firm pat on the shoulder, women don't like it. Women (actually, all people) like to be touched, but respected at the same time which leads to the next mistake. Mistake #3, Velcro contact. Usually demonstrated by a gentle touch on the shoulder that stays for way too long. This shows to the other person that you were thinking about it, had difficulty doing it, and are now trying to savor it/play it out. Makes them feel like an object; bad.
Keep in mind, most men mess up most interactions with women. So your primary objective is
to not mess it up! If you can also manage a "good time" and maybe even "funny" or "witty", those are bonuses.
I know she is taken, so consider it low-stakes practice. I'm sure she has single friends.