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  1. RWIndiana

    I rule

    "I'm not conceited, that's one of the reasons I'm so great!" 8)
  2. RWIndiana

    Nobel laureate rings energy alarm bell

    Jtr, A Bike? A plain, ordinary (perhaps 15 speed) bike? Say it ain't so! One pebble and you'd have been a goner! You are one dangerous dude. On another topic: SUV's are truly evil. Every day you hear about SUV's going on the rampage and killing people, demolishing property, destroying our...
  3. RWIndiana

    Antivirus Programs

    So, it appears NOD32 is the general consensus. . . I have one more question: If I install it on multiple computers, do I have to buy a license for each one?
  4. RWIndiana

    [NEWZ] Toshiba Sez "Me Too"

    Does this mean we have to install our hard drives sideways now? :roll:
  5. RWIndiana

    [NEWZ] Toshiba Sez "Me Too"

    It must be a great breakthrough, because I don't understand it at all. . .
  6. RWIndiana

    Antivirus Programs

    Hello all, I currently have Norton's Antivirus, but since my subscription just ran out, I thought I would take the opportunity to look into other solutions which may be cheaper and/or better. Once again, I believed this group to be the right one to ask. :) So the question is, should I stick with...
  7. RWIndiana

    Teaching Linux

    Well, what I would ask is - how do I recover a username and password for Linux from a hard drive I got off of ebay? Probably not the typical question, I know.
  8. RWIndiana


    Do you have a 100 or 1000mbps network? Maybe my problem is caused by the fact that I just have 100mbs. How is tightVNC different from RealVNC? Thanks
  9. RWIndiana

    Advice on buying a network switch

    I got the five port one. I don't know if i should have gotten a bigger one or not, I just know that at this point, all I will be using is three ports. I will have the four ports on my router filled up as well.
  10. RWIndiana


    Sorry, I guess this should have been on the tech support list.
  11. RWIndiana


    Greetings to all I think Buck mentioned that he had RealVNC. It's a nifty product, but I have one problem: the cursor on the remote desktop flickers continually when the viewer is connected, so it can get annoying if the viewer is connected and you are using the server. Is there any way to...
  12. RWIndiana

    Advice on buying a network switch

    Thanks guys, that was very helpful and now I actually know a little more about hubs and switches. :) I ordered a switch from Newegg, and it's supposed to be here Wednesday.
  13. RWIndiana

    Advice on buying a network switch

    Maybe this is a dumb question (yes it is an uninformed one for sure) but can I get any old hub and connect it to my router to expand my network, or do I need a certain type?
  14. RWIndiana

    Advice on buying a network switch

    Don't have gigabit yet; it's still a bit pricey for my taste. My current Zonet router would have to be exchanged as well, as it does not support gigabit.
  15. RWIndiana

    Advice on buying a network switch

    I found this on eBay, and I was wondering if you guys think it is a good deal. Most importantly, I want to be able to connect it to my Zonet ZSR0104B router. I mainly just want to expand my network, and I have limited experience with hubs and routers. So, I thought I would tap on you guys'...
  16. RWIndiana

    Testing Anti-Spyware Programs

    Thanks for the info guys, I'll have to check it out. I have RealVNC too. Pretty cool, but the security risks do worry me a bit.
  17. RWIndiana


    It means something, but I don't know what something it might mean. . . I suppose a R/W head on the end of an arm can only move so fast without having problems? Maybe the HD manufacturers need to start focusing more on performance rather than size. Though I'm sure there would be many people here...
  18. RWIndiana

    Kudos and jeers for Plextor

    put it in the dishwasher. It may never work again, but the laser lens will be sparkly clean. :wink:
  19. RWIndiana

    Bogus Drive Temperature Reading

    Demon posession comes to mind. lol I don't have a clue how the temperature sensors in hard drives are set up, so any guess I would make would be completely uninformed. I know a little bit about weather stations, and if that would happen on my weather station, I would blame it on moisture...
  20. RWIndiana

    Goodbye (for now)

    :o Have fun guys!
  21. RWIndiana

    Netzero (arg) and Firefox

    Thank you Handruin. I didn't realize it would change the ones posted previously. Cool.
  22. RWIndiana

    Netzero (arg) and Firefox

    Well that's embarrassing. Can anyone tell me how to change the color of my signature?
  23. RWIndiana

    Netzero (arg) and Firefox

    Thanks merc! That worked to keep IE from opening, though FireFox still asks me to set it as the default browser each time I open it. I guess I can just turn that off. I can still access IE by opening a folder and typing in a web address, so I can still use it if I need it. I like IE for Hotmail...
  24. RWIndiana

    Netzero (arg) and Firefox

    I'm beginning to think NetZero is just adware that you have to pay for. Very low price in Internet access, but you are forced to watch a movie advertizement while it is dialing. If you try to dial a connection directly rather than connecting through their software, well, it simply doesn't work...
  25. RWIndiana


    Glad to hear you are doing okay JoJo. Don't you just love winter? I especially like getting up early in the morning when it is 15 below zero and scratching the ice off the windshield with anything I can find (since the ice scraper is perpetually lost, except in the summer when it's always in the...
  26. RWIndiana

    Netzero (arg) and Firefox

    Someone needs to shoot whoever started NetZero. . . I didn't like it with IE because I can't change the homepage. Now, with Firefox, I can't get it to give up IE and switch to Firefox when it starts up. So I have to close the IE window and open Firefox every time I connect. That sure does get...
  27. RWIndiana

    Hard Disk Cloning Software

    Looks like something I would use if it works on PC. I'll have to try it. Do I need to have Linux to use it?
  28. RWIndiana

    Hard Disk Cloning Software

    I wish... Okay Sech I am probably just dumb but what dd? I might want it.
  29. RWIndiana

    How to make a gigapixel picture

    Sheesh, wish I had the time to do stuff like that.
  30. RWIndiana

    World Community Grid

    Not to mention that high-speed internet is an alien concept in Amish country, therefore it is not available here, meaning I do not have it. I'm not sure if the WCG would need it or not though. . .
  31. RWIndiana

    World Community Grid

    Fascinating . . . I've never seen anything like this. Have I not been around or what? lol Problem is, I am a very suspicious person; I don't join anything that has the words "world community" in it. Actually the big reason is that I, like Buck, don't use idle CPU time. If I'm not using the...
  32. RWIndiana

    Has anyone ever used . . .

    I think the power consumption on a NASLite server would mainly be by the hard drives since there is no need for CD-ROM, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.. This is the perfect home backup solution for tight-wads like me. A lot of good tesimonials from small business owners too about this product...
  33. RWIndiana

    How long have you lived at your current address?

    Lived on the same 30 acres for about 11 years, though it doesn't seem nearly that long. The carpet is showing the signs of aging though.
  34. RWIndiana

    Half-Life 2

    Hey Handruin I didn't know you were a Halo fan. Did you finish it yet? I like you, Bozo. :D
  35. RWIndiana

    What a start to the Winter

    It's been quite mild here, low to upper 20s at night, 40s and 50s during the day. Today it was in the upper 50s and rained all day. I loved it.
  36. RWIndiana

    Has anyone ever used . . .

    Sorry Jake for my ignorance--I don't know what nolock feature for NFS is. I'm guessing there would be complaints about something like this if it was not supported. But that's only an uninformed guess. I think NASLite is something to watch anyway. It sounds like they are going to release a new...
  37. RWIndiana

    [NEWZ] Svelte Monster: 3-Platter 400 GB 7200.8

    Non-magnetic storage certainly has it's limitations too, doesn't it? Solid-state storage is already significantly higher in price than magnetic. Although with solid-state, a 5.25" form factor hard drive could have a comeback since the physical size wouldn't have as much of an impact on...
  38. RWIndiana

    Has anyone ever used . . .

    NASLite? I downloaded it the other day to turn my obsolete P-II computer into a nice little file server with a couple hard drives I had laying around. So all it cost me was a few minutes to get it set up! It's great for turning basically useless hardware into a FTP, NFS or SMB file server. I...
  39. RWIndiana

    Paypal experience and tips?

    I've been buying and selling for close to two years now, and I have no complaints at all (though they could improve certain features, such as the process of switching payment method from bank account to credit card, which has to be done every time you want to pay with CC). I was warned...
  40. RWIndiana

    Firefox 1.0

    Are the pages you have open actually that big?
  41. RWIndiana

    Firefox 1.0

    Hmm. I seem to have found a reason to keep IE around, at least for a while. It is not possible to use the rich text editor in MSN groups or Hotmail. Anyone know of a solution for this? Rod
  42. RWIndiana


    Gilbo, some of the things you have said seem contrary to certain things I have learned in pre-med school. I won't get into it because it's been a while, but I would like to know where I can find more information on this. I also wonder why people think that evolution is going in a positive...
  43. RWIndiana

    Aurora Borealis

    Just wondered if anyone saw the Northern lights last night? Was pretty cool.
  44. RWIndiana

    Firefox 1.0

    Thanks DD. I know what you mean. Some people can be absolutely senseless in their insistance on using software that is loaded with spyware or worse. I have wanted to try firefox for a long time, just haven't gotten around to it.
  45. RWIndiana

    Firefox 1.0

    What if I want to uninstall firefox? Will I be piecing my system back together for a month after the uninstall? I want to try firefox but I do have concerns about what will happen if I decide to revert to IE.
  46. RWIndiana

    Kudos and jeers for Plextor

    Are you saying you DO get a response from most companies you e-mail? You're average is better than mine! I'm not sure if I'm not nice enough or not nasty enough. It sure seems that any decent company which advertizes their e-mail address really ought to answer the e-mails sent to them. But maybe...
  47. RWIndiana

    Bogus Drive Temperature Reading

    If it fluctuates, that may eliminate the possibility of a short or fusion in the temperature sensor. Though maybe not entirely. Has the drive endured any sort of shock? I'm not sure if that would make any difference or not. If it's a very high reading, I would guess that something is shorted out...
  48. RWIndiana


    Har har. I assume that in your opinion, legalized murder is a healthy environment. Hmm... seems to me that it's a might bit unhealthy to be an inconvenience to anyone, even if unintentionally and innocently. Not to mention that the person whom I have inconvenienced might have played a direct...
  49. RWIndiana


    Okay so I don't have a pickup truck. lol. But I am so sick of liberal lunatics making fun of me, my family, and my faith. That is exactly why Bush won. People are tired of being condescended to.
  50. RWIndiana


    Hey Merc, you may not have to go too far. It sounds like the blue states may secede and merge with Canada to form the United States of Canada. Since the blue states think that all us hicks in the red states are a liability to them, they are thinking they might just leave us behind to burn and...