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  1. Bartender

    Aloha and Welcome New Members!

    An of course, a round for i -- welcome back.
  2. Bartender

    Aloha and Welcome New Members!

    We've had a few new members join recently, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all. Drinks on the house! A hardy Palapala kono for anyone that hasn't posted yet, we'd be happy to hear from you.
  3. Bartender

    Fushigi @ 1000 posts

    Wow, all of these 1000 milestones. We have some pretty busy patrons. Thanks for all of your participation Fushigi.
  4. Bartender

    The JoJo @ 1000 posts

    Drinks for JoJo!
  5. Bartender

    [NEWZ] Norway is running dry!

    Norway's beer production has ceased because of a strike, they could run out in a few days!
  6. Bartender

    Would you raher be a sock or a puppet?

    Ha! It's a conspiracy around here. After all of the help and generosity I've shown Tea, Buck and others, this is the <sniffle> treatment that I get? See Grammar Police, this is the way people treat you when you try to help. I'm sure you can understand. I doubt Tea has ever once appreciated...
  7. Bartender

    Region Poll

    Buck, without this work thing you couldn't pay any of your numerous bills.
  8. Bartender

    Photography Advice

    Face it Buck, you're normally too drunk to take a decent picture, that iz why it takes multiple shots and several rollz of film for one louzy flower.
  9. Bartender


    Welcome BooST. Drinks on the house for BooBoo!
  10. Bartender

    My new system

    Woot! Dave is putting a gaming center behind the bar! That should increase patronage. I hope this works out Dave - drinks on the house!
  11. Bartender


    (Don't worry JoJo, I know a back door to the drawer. Me and the lonely sock that lost its mate in the dryer figured this out a couple of weeks ago.) :wink:
  12. Bartender


    Thanks JoJo, but I'm not supposed to drink on the job. Plus you have to clear it with 'opened-another-can-of sit-down-Buck'. He should be put to work, and help out with some of the heavy duty work. It would do his lazy butt some good.
  13. Bartender


    Thanks, now you've really depressed me.
  14. Bartender


    I think we're stocked up with plenty of food and drink for all three hundred people, if they decide to party with us. I wish Tea would help out more, but ever since her little vacation and the start of her new diet, she just hazn't been the same. She spendz most of the day playing gopher for...
  15. Bartender

    Howell hitting 1k!

    Good job Howell, your participation and perspective on matters is always welcome.
  16. Bartender

    jtr1962 hitting 1k!

    Congratulations jtr, I hope to hit that milestone some day too. Drinks for everyone and young furry ones.
  17. Bartender

    5000 Posts

    No need for reforms young furry one, if it soundz like a z, then spell it with a z. I think the same kould apply for something that soundz like a k.
  18. Bartender

    I started running again

  19. Bartender

    And its a good thing

    I don't think he would live very long and then she'd be back in court again. This court mumbo-jumbo for high profile people is ridiculous. They should bring them into the bar, and after a couple of pints, our own panel makes a decision. Either they're innocent and set free, or found guilty...
  20. Bartender

    5000 Posts

    Indeed. However, thingz have been duly restocked, and I will attempt to write with fewer spelling and grammatical errorz. What’s your drink of choice Mr. K?
  21. Bartender

    5000 Posts

    Congratulations Mercutio. I'd kindly offer drinks on the house, but it looks as if everyone already helped themselves. Serves my right for leaving the placing unattended for a couple of days.
  22. Bartender

    Look, it's Merc...with hair!

    Shut up.
  23. Bartender

    What the heck do you do? Anything?

    Processed can be good . . . if it is beer or wine.
  24. Bartender

    50,000 Posts

    A special drink for Blake, and drinks on the house for everyone else.
  25. Bartender

    Favorite Quotes

    "Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling."
  26. Bartender

    I Feel Good . . .

    James Brown not at his best . . .
  27. Bartender

    Most ignorant thing I've ever heard in my life

    Typewriters? Buck's an old genius with those, so he could type for me. Abacus? We have paper and pencils. Email? Ha! I wouldn't mind seeing that go; snailmail is just fine. Sorry EK, I'm not easily quieted by your argument. :mrgrn: On the other hand, I just tend the bar, so it doesn't...
  28. Bartender

    Most ignorant thing I've ever heard in my life

    Besides running up my electric bill, and creating noise, what else are computers good for? They haven't helped out much around the bar. They're okay as heaters and drink warmers, but pretty bulky. I think we should just eliminate computers altogether.
  29. Bartender

    Alternative Browser

    Since Buck always hogs the latest browser, I'm stuck with Mozilla 1.4a (Gecko/20030401), and I must say that it still works very well.
  30. Bartender

    Review of new Toyota Prius

    I wonder how that would impact (no pun intended) the pedestrian world.
  31. Bartender

    Review of new Toyota Prius

    From what I've heard doggie one, this noise reduction process has been pursued for the past few decades. These days, Diesel engines are extremely quiet and clatter free compared to their decade old brethren. Albeit, there is still a faint difference between a Diesel engine at idle versus one...
  32. Bartender

    SR Dead?

    SR was indeed having some sporatic issues. I wouldn't rule out sabotage, Tea, the OT:Polizei, and the Artillerie-Kommandeur von der Sprachwissenschaft Polizei have been scheming something for the past few days.
  33. Bartender bloody cold

    Merc, we have some delicious hot-chocolate for you.
  34. Bartender

    Most ignorant thing I've ever heard in my life

    When I went to school . . . uh wait, I never went, I've always been a bartender.
  35. Bartender


    The problem for Buck is that words don't flow through his brain, images pour through instead. He's much better at creating pictures.
  36. Bartender


  37. Bartender

    Beagle2 website

    Loonie Mars - LOL - my imagination just went wild when I saw that picture. I can see him playing with the little rover, pressing buttons, pulling levers, and JPL/NASA are confused why they can't get solid communication with the thing. :rofl:
  38. Bartender

    Beagle2 website

    Then we'll send Tea (after she loses some weight). At least she'll be able to use all four limbs to control the spacecraft.
  39. Bartender

    Jan '04; your PC specs.

    January 2003 PIII 1.2GHz Tualatin ASUS TUSL2-C 512 MB (2 X 256) of Mushkin High Performance REV 3+ SDRAM WD600BB - boot/software/storage Fireball CR8.4A - swap Kenwood CD-ROM UCR-412 Sapphire ATI 9000 Vivitron 17" Santa Cruz/Turtle Beach Sound 3COM 3C905B-TX January 2004 PIII 1.2GHz Tualatin...
  40. Bartender

    Something Random

    Mmmm . . . Lamb Bhuna . . . delicious.
  41. Bartender

    So, um, where is everyone?

    I wouldn't take it personally Handy, I have yet to receive a piece of mail. For some odd reason, Buck gets mail, but I don't.
  42. Bartender bloody cold

    Indeed four-legged one. Buck is very temperate, can't handle really cold or hot weather. He prefers it between 60°F and 75°F and for half of the year either foggy, overcast, or light showers. Very strange man. On the other hand, I would enjoy visiting Australia during your Winter season...
  43. Bartender


    The beef we serve here at the bar is grown at our offsite ranch. Our resident farmer takes pride in raising these beauties on nothing but grass, and there is no feadlot - he does things the old-fashioned way.
  44. Bartender


    DB, this is the first time I have ever seen you work for your drinks - very commendable. Now if only we could get you to clean up after yourself after you've fallen into your usual drunken stupor.
  45. Bartender

    My mom's a senior citizen today

    Senior citizen? Sorry, I don't understand that concept. Maybe now that Tea is back she can explain it to me . . . er . . . wait, she probably won't know what that means either. Oh well. Can senior citizens still order drinks from the bar?
  46. Bartender

    Goodbye (for now)

    Indeed, drinks on the house. Welcome home Tea. Now I can take down the Help Wanted sign, my helper and friend made it safely back. Whenever you're ready Tea, you can give me a hand with the bar. Although I must admit, things have been relatively quiet. Oh, we get enough customers through...
  47. Bartender


    It is nice to see some new members joining our group, as well it is great to see other members who we have missed for some time, posting again. Welcome, and we hope you all stay for a while. Drinks on the house!
  48. Bartender

    Shock! Horror! What makes the news?

    We could use a couple of those in the Pub too.
  49. Bartender

    Shock! Horror! What makes the news?

    Sorry JoJo, but Tea's absence is major news for me. I was expecting her return, so that the pub would be fully staffed again. Without her, the demands of a pub leave the brewing of beer to chance. I guess I'll have to put a Help Wanted sign to cover for her until she shows up. Sad day in my...
  50. Bartender

    Reviews of Mitsubishi's WL-82913

    I think we should get one of those gigantic Mitsus for the pub.